We are Hunter Nation, and we will defend the hunt and protect your rights. Join us!




Thank you for supporting Hunter Nation. Now more than ever we need your support in our fight to protect our hunting lifestyle and be with us to defend our Traditional American values of God – Family – Country and our Constitution.


RSVP for Milford Hills Event on 7-15-24


Renew today and join us for a free event on 7-15-24 at Milford Hills Sporting Club to hear from Donald Trump Jr., Ted Nugent, Tom Tiffany and many more. Presented by Hunter Nation and The National Rifle Association.


Hunter Nation is making it possible for you to live out your dream hunt! When you renew your annual membership package, you not only are standing up for hunter’s rights, you’ll automatically be entered for an opportunity to win a free dream hunting trip!




Experience the thrill of a lifetime with our exclusive Dream Hunts! Three Bucket List Trophy Hunts for Two Hunters!! Enter to WIN a Utah Elk Hunt for Two, Texas Red Stag Hunt for Two, & Texas 150″ Class Whitetail Deer Hunt for Two. These are great opportunities to enjoy God’s creation and this beautiful sport we love.


Take the time today to claim your spot in our grassroots army to help promote and protect our hunting way of life! We are Hunter Nation, and we will defend the hunt and protect your rights. Join us!


Thank you


Chris Vaughan
Wisconsin State Director

Hunter Nation