Greetings Wisconsin hunters and sportsmen and sportswomen!

Greetings Wisconsin hunters and sportsmen and sportswomen!


Keith Mark here, the Founder and President of Hunter Nation.  We are the largest grassroots organization that is on the front lines fighting to protect American Hunters and our Hunting Lifestyle.  As you know, the unmanaged and skyrocketing gray wolf population in Wisconsin is destroying our deer herds, causing tremendous depredation to our livestock, killing our pets in record numbers, and is now threating the safety of our children.  The collective cry was, “Something must be done!”  Hunter Nation heard that cry and has been working hard trying to get the gray wolf delisted from the Endangered Species List so that each state could manage the wolf, just like they do all wildlife within the state.


We supported Wisconsin Representative, Tom Tiffany (WI-7) and his “Trust the Science” bill, that calls for the delisting of the gray wolf, with no judicial review.  With Hunter Nation’s support and effort, that bill was passed by the U.S. House of Representatives last month.  The bill is now in the U.S. Senate and Hunter Nation is working hard to make this much needed, science based conservation legislation, the law of the land.  Wisconsin Senator Ron Johnson has already committed to help pass the bill.  However, he can’t do it alone. Hunter Nation needs your help to get this bill passed!


Wisconsin Senator Tammy Baldwin may ultimately cast the deciding vote.  I’m asking you to reach out to her and let her know that as a Wisconsin hunter, this is an important issue to you and your family. Let her know that Wisconsin had the lowest gun hunting deer harvest in recorded history, in 2023, due to the unmanaged wolf population.  Tell her any negative personal experiences you have had with your livestock, pets or children because of the exploding wolf population.  Also, let her know that you are aware she is up for reelection in November and that you will be voting in that election.  You can reach her at her Senate office at 202-224-5653.  Tell her that Hunter Nation asked you to call!


To learn more about the “True Wolf Story” go to While you are there, to help us and our mission, please become a member of Hunter Nation.  If you are already a member, you can help out by buying one of our new “Wolf” T-shirts.


On behalf of all of us here at Hunter Nation I hope you and your family have a wonderful Memorial Day Weekend! Our prayers go out to all of our deceased loved ones. We honor and pray those that served in our  US Military, especially all the brave men and women who gave their lives in service to this great country. We also thank, and pray, for the Gold Star Families.


God Bless!


Keith Mark
Founder and President
Hunter Nation