I am sharing the information received a few minutes ago. An official press release will be coming soon as well as a public meeting. I hope to have more info by the time of the annual banquet on the 30th. Please share with the group.
As identified in the department’s policy regarding notification for the first CWD positive result in a county, I am notifying you that the department received notification of the first CWD+ wild test result in Manitowoc County. This test result is from a wild 1 year old buck harvested November 23rd on private property. The deer was harvested within 10 miles of both Calumet and Sheboygan Counties. It is about 20 miles from the nearest wild positive deer in Sheboygan County and about 3 miles from the nearest captive positive deer in Manitowoc County. This CWD+ test result will create a new baiting and feeding ban in Manitowoc but this county already has local ordinance restricting baiting and feeding in the county. It will reset the baiting and feeding dates for Calumet. It will not impact the baiting and feeding ban in Sheboygan County as this county has a later expiration date due to captive positive detections within the county.
We are committed to service excellence.
Visit our survey at http://dnr.wi.gov/customersurvey to evaluate how I did.
Steve Easterly
Wildlife Biologist – Fish, Wildlife and Parks
Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
2220 County Hwy V, Mishicot, WI 54228
Cell Phone: (920) 420-0135
[email protected]
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