Well, here we are on July 5th and the President of the United States came to Wisconsin calling Gov. Evers the best Governor Wisconsin ever had. That alone should tell all of you that the bonehead in the White House is not playing with a full deck.

Here is some info for all of you to look at. In the Wisconsin 2022 Voter turnout according to the Wisconsin Elections Commission, there are 3,516,053 Registered Voters in the State. Only 2,668,891 voted in the 2022 General Election. 847,162 People Did Not VOTE! The percentage of Voter turnout was 75.9 %.

Of those 847,162 Voters who did not vote, many people are willing to bet over half of them were Outdoor Sportsmen and Women. Biden stated he will BAN Assault Weapons and according to media reports from the White House he intends to include all firearms like Australia did. On top of that, he agrees with the United Nations to BAN ALL firearms and the shipments of firearms into and out of America.

So, please stop and think of who you will be voting for this year in 2024 and who will protect your Constitutional Rights (All of Them) when they are elected. One last point I want you all to think about. I am in my seventies and Social Security is what I live on. Biden claims Trump is going to get rid of Social Security if he is elected, but please stop & think now, why is Bonehead Biden giving fifteen Million Illegals that he left into America receive Social Security, Medicare, Food Stamps and all the other items we Americans have worked all our lives for. Veterans are sleeping on the ground, Illegals living in high-class motels for FREE, and we true Americans must pay for all of it.

If you are not registered to VOTE, please do so ASAP. Do it now, because you can count on all the Illegals will be trying to Vote with help from the bonehead followers. Their policy is to Vote Early, Vote Often, and use ballot boxes to cheat. Proven facts for sure.

I am an American, worked all my life, paid my dues, and those who come into America illegally are getting everything for FREE, are you willing to allow this to continue?