This week on Dan Small Outdoors Radio

Thursday, July 25, 2019

This week on Dan Small Outdoors Radio

This week, Outdoors Radio features Wild Eagle Lodge manager Tammy Schmidt, dog trainer Jeremy Moore, charter captain “Dumper” Dan Welsch and archery expert JC Chamberlin. Jeff and Dan discuss last weekend’s storm damage. Jeff heads to Sturgeon Bay for a MWC tournament.

In the Hupy & Abraham outdoor report, Wild Eagle Lodge manager Tammy Schmidt gives listeners a virtual tour of the resort and the Eagle River area. (

Dog Trainer Jeremy Moore offers advice for developing a “deer dog” to hunt shed antlers and recover wounded deer, the topic of his seminar at Deer Fest next weekend. (

Lake Michigan charter captain “Dumper” Dan Welsch reports good action for big king salmon, along with cohos, rainbows and lake trout, off Sheboygan and suggests listeners check out Sly’s Midtown Saloon and Grill. (www.dumperdan.com

In the Madison Outdoors Report, archery expert JC Chamberlin says now’s the time to get those fall food plots in the ground and save money on remaining Mathews Triax bows.. (

Contact: Dan Small at 414-588-4082 or