I know that over the last ten days you’ve heard from us dozens of times as we all work to defeat the massive gun control threat that is building in Congress.
There are four major gun control bills that are moving in Congress right now, and at least two of them are expected to receive a vote in the House next week!
At the same time, RINO Republicans in the Senate are scheming behind closed doors with Chuck Schumer on a gun control package that ‘all sides can agree to.’
This is moving fast, and I need you to help us hammer on Congress if we are to have any chance of defeating this!
For the very latest of these bills, the schedule for floor action, who’s backing them, and how you can help us fight back, please watch this short video update!
While more votes may be added to the schedule over the next few days, we know that H.R. 2377 and H.R. 7910 are expected to be voted on.
Please immediately contact your Congressman (and Senators Johnson and Baldwin) and demand that they VOTE NO on the entire gun control agenda in Washington, D.C. using our Gun Rights Action Center!
You can also call your Congressman and Senators using the Capitol Hill switchboard number, which is 202-224-3121! Start calling on Monday and don’t let up!
The American Firearms Association will be on hand in D.C. next week to oppose these bills and give gun owners up to the minute information on these threats.
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