The Answer for Wolves!
Dear Sportsmen,
We’ve fought the multimillion-dollar animal extremist organizations in court for nearly two decades. They’ve used every trick in the book to keep wolves listed as an endangered species, no matter what the science says. We know the way out of this mess remains with the courts, and we will continue this fight as long as necessary to see wolf management returned to the states where it belongs.
The Sportsmen’s Alliance has built a legal pathway that brings common sense to wolf management – it’s the long-term fix our community has been searching for.
Last year, we handed the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) this blueprint. In short, our plan for successfully managing wolves boils down to:
- Recognize and delist Western Great Lakes wolves (Minnesota, Michigan, Wisconsin) as a distinct population segment.
- Recognize and down-list to threatened a West Coast wolf population for wolves in California and areas of Washington and Oregon to remain under federal control until delisting goals are met.
- Create a non-distinct population segment designation for the remnant of Lower 48 wolves not already recognized as a distinct population segment and keep existing ESA protections in place for these remnant wolves.
You can read more about our wolf plan here and read the wolf petitions here.
We will stop the radicals in their tracks and bring science back to wolf management.
Our plan is the answer, and we gave it to the federal government a year ago. But the feds have taken no action, so we need your help to get this across the line. Let’s call it the way it is: It’s time for the chatter to stop and let’s get on with actually managing wolves in the United States.
Please sign our petition to FWS to finally return scientific management to wolves.
Please share this letter with your friends and family – it’s of vital importance that we gather as many signatures on the petition as possible. Your voice will send a clear message to the federal government that you’ve had enough and want management returned to gray wolves and the science of wolf recovery to matter for something.
Thank you for your support in this critical time. Together, we can finally solve the wolf issue. Sincerely, Evan Heusinkveld |
About the Sportsmen’s Alliance
Working in all 50 state legislatures, the Sportsmen’s Alliance protects and defends America’s wildlife conservation programs and the pursuits – hunting, fishing, trapping and recreational shooting – that generate the money to pay for them. Sportsmen’s Alliance Foundation is responsible for public and youth education, legal defense in state and federal court and research to guide the decision-making process of all involved. Its mission is accomplished through several distinct programs coordinated to provide the most complete defense capability possible. Stay connected to Sportsmen’s Alliance as, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
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