Dear Firearm Owners,
The 2024 Presidential election is in sight.
After four years of dealing with a Tyrant-in-Chief in the White House, gun owners will finally have the chance to vote Joe Biden out of office and into the gutter of political history!
Biden is scared.
And he should be.
Polling data from all sides of the political aisle show Trump leading him in key battleground states like Pennsylvania, Arizona, Georgia and right here in Michigan.
In Nevada and Wisconsin — both states that Biden ‘won’ in 2020 — multiple polls show Trump and Biden locked in a tie!
And Biden isn’t the only Leftist who knows his days in power are rapidly coming to an end.
(Leftist media outlets across the country are panicking, convinced Biden will lose in November.)
Senate Democrats have to defend three Senators in states that voted for Trump in 2020. And they have five more Senators up in states that Biden ‘won’ by 3% or less!
New York’s Chuck Schumer knows that his days as Senate Majority Leader are coming to an end…and soon.
That’s why Biden, Schumer, and Congressional Democrats just launched a massive push to pass a FEDERAL ‘Red Flag Gun Seizure’ law while they are still in power and have the votes to do it!
So please, sign your petition against these ‘Red Flag’ laws now!
HELP US STOP H.R.3018/S.247! |
Besides the upcoming election, there are two other reasons why Biden and Schumer are going ‘all in’ to pass ‘Red Flag Gun Seizure’ legislation (H.R. 3018/S. 247).
First, because ‘Red Flag’ laws are FAR more comprehensive.
While the Left is happy to ban the sale of AR-15s (until SCOTUS undoes this) they know that passing a Michigan-style ‘Red Flag’ law would allow them to seize ALL our firearms!
Second, because RINO Republicans support this legislation!
Don’t forget, dozens of Republicans in Congress support passing ‘Red Flag’ laws. Two years ago, these RINOs voted with Biden to give the DOJ $750,000,000 to use as bribe money, to incentivize the states into passing state-level ‘Red Flag’ laws.
As we know first hand here in Michigan, the damage that Biden could do with a national ‘Red Flag’ law is massive. At a minimum it would:
- Allow ex-spouses, federal authorities, and others to claim you may be ‘dangerous,’ asking a judge to order the seizure of your firearms before you’ve been convicted of a crime;
- Empower liberal judges to become thought police, issuing seizure orders before you’ve even been charged with a crime;
- Create an ex-parte hearing process, meaning that the court would not inform you about the claims being made against you until after the cops came and seized your firearms.
- Establish an almost automatic renewal process, meaning that once the initial 14-day seizure order is issued, it can be reissued again and again for as long as the DOJ wants.
‘Red Flag Gun Seizures’ give the Radical Left what they have always wanted: the ability to disarm the American people using the bureaucratic process, without having to worry about things like ‘due process’ or getting a conviction in a court of law.
In just the last two weeks, DOZENS of members of Congress have co-sponsored this legislation. In fact, by the time you read this, DOZENS more will have likely added their names!
That’s why I hope you’ll sign the petition that our team has prepared for you.
HELP US STOP H.R.3018/S.247! |
Some may think it’s a waste of time to contact Senators Stabenow and Peters. Some may think the same thing if their Representative is a Democrat.
But that would be a mistake.
Many Democrats don’t want to touch gun control this close to the election. Your pressure may lead to Chuck Schumer pulling this bill if he thinks it will cost him his leadership position!
But we also need to contact the Republicans in our delegation, as they are under immense pressure to support this legislation from all sides right now.
I would like to be able to tell you that everything is ok, that our GOP delegation will hold the line on our gun rights.
But I simply can’t do that anymore.
After dozens of ‘pro-gun Republicans’ stabbed gun owners in the back with their votes for H.R. 2471 and S. 2938, we just can’t trust anyone.
Our entire delegation needs to hear from gun owners, now. So please submit your signed petition right away.
HELP US STOP H.R.3018/S.247! |
And when you return your signed survey, please consider a generous gift to make sure MFA can mobilize more gun owners!
In response to the explosion of support for H.R. 3018 and S. 247, we are doing everything we can to get the word out about this bill and flood Congress with calls and emails against it, using:
- Digital ads on a variety of platforms; pound for pound nothing allows us to get the word out about a gun control threat faster/cheaper than digital ads!
- The largest amount of text alerts possible; text-based alerts get right to the cell phones of gun owners, allowing them to see the threat and take action fast!
- Massive amounts of direct mail updates ; while some think mailing letters is outdated, we know that it’s the one communication format that Big Tech can’t censor!
- Our statewide email alert list; our email program contains one-click action alerts that allow gun owners to send a pre-written email to their entire Congressional delegation in about 30 seconds time!
But for this grassroots pressure to work — to make sure that our Congressional delegation feels the heat from gun owners across the state — this program needs to be MASSIVE!
And for that, I am counting on your help. So please help us with a donation of $100 or more if you possibly can.
That’s a lot right now, I know.
But we’re at a critical juncture right now. If we fight back hard, we can shut this down and make it to November!
But if our Congressional delegation doesn’t hear from us, Biden will sign this into law in a matter of weeks.
If you just can’t afford that, please consider a gift of $35, $25 or whatever you can afford today.
(A stunning 15 members of Congress cosponsored H.R. 3018 in just one day!)
Gun owners have been in a pitched battle for four years with Joe Biden.
We’ve lost some. But we’ve won a lot. I firmly believe that with your help we can defeat Biden’s push for ‘Red Flags!’
So please sign your petition and make a generous contribution TODAY!
For Freedom,
Ben Dorr
Executive Director
Wisconsin Firearms Coalition
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