DAILY ALERT FOR Saturday, February 23, 2019

Maine: Anti-Gun Legislators Trying to Shut Down Shooting Ranges
Maine: Anti-Gun Legislators Trying to Shut Down Shooting Ranges
On February 25th, the Maine State and Local Government Committee will hold a hearing on Legislative Document 489, which would allow noise ordinances to be used to shut down local shooting ranges.
Gun Control to Be Heard on the Floor of the House of Representatives Next Week
Gun Control to Be Heard on the Floor of the House of Representatives Next Week
As we reported last week, anti-gun members of the House Judiciary Committee voted to move forward with two gun control bills. These bills will be on the House floor next week, so please contact your U.S. Representative and ask them to oppose H.R. 8 and H.R. 1112.
Bloomberg’s Everytown: Criminalizing Private Transfers is About Creating “Culture of Compliance”
Bloomberg’s Everytown: Criminalizing Private Transfers is About Creating “Culture of Compliance”
If you were still under the impression that gun control was about giving law enforcement the tools to target violent criminals, think again. At a February 12 hearing concerning Nevada Senate Bill 143 that criminalizes the private transfer of firearms, Attorney for Michael Bloomberg’s Everytown for Gun Safety William Rosen made clear that gun control is about creating more servile law-abiding gun owners.
What Lurks Behind Universal Background Checks
What Lurks Behind “Universal” Background Checks
In January, while the United States government was still partially shut down, anti-gun members of the U.S. House of Representatives decided to focus on gun control rather than ensuring that the country has a functional government. Arch anti-gunner Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) quarterbacked the effort in her capacity as Speaker of the House.
The Truth about Gun Sales and H.R. 8
The Truth about Gun Sales and H.R. 8
As Congress considers H.R. 8, let’s consider some of the arguments made in support of so-called “universal” background checks.  Anti-gun organizations regularly claim that criminals acquire firearms online. Everytown and its predecessor, Mayors Against Illegal Guns, have published a number of “reports” that claim to have found evidence of prohibited people attempting to buy firearms through websites that “could potentially” transfer tens of thousands of guns. This last statement, of course, chooses hyperbole over reality.
Pelosi Claims Future President Could Use “National Emergency” to Target Guns
Pelosi Claims Future President Could Use “National Emergency” to Target Guns
First, gun control supporters supposedly wanted a “national conversation” on gun violence. Then they purported to want Congress to enact so-called “common sense gun reform.” Now some anti-gun lawmakers are dispensing with any pretense of good or constitutional governance and revealing that they are willing to target guns and gun owners by executive fiat.
What to Make of Crime in England?
What to Make of Crime in England?
Sometimes it’s hard to understand what things are really like “across the pond.” Anti-gun extremists in America reflexively point to England whenever the discussion about adding restrictions, and especially banning firearms, arises here in the United States. England, after all, had banned virtually all semi-automatic and pump-action rifles and shotguns in the 1980s, then imposed a near total ban on handguns in the 90s. Those British subjects who wish to own the few types of rifles and shotguns the government has deemed allowable for civilian possession must navigate a Byzantine system of licensing and certification.
Colorado: Contact Your Lawmakers in Opposition to Anti-Gun “Red Flag” Bill
Colorado: Contact Your Lawmakers in Opposition to Anti-Gun “Red Flag” Bill
Thursday evening, after hours of testimony, the House Judiciary Committee voted to pass the “red flag” bill on a party line 7 to 4 vote.
Iowa: Right to Keep and Bear Arms Constitutional Amendment Passes House Committee
Iowa: Right to Keep and Bear Arms Constitutional Amendment Passes House Committee
On February 21st, the Iowa state House Public Safety Committee passed House Joint Resolution 3 by a vote of 11-10 to propose an amendment to the state Constitution affirming and recognizing the right of Iowans’ to keep and bear arms as a fundamental individual right. HJR 3 will now go to the House floor for consideration.
Defending Second Amendment Rights external site
The right to bear arms is a constitutional right and it is one that I do not plan to give up any time in the near future. Unfortunately for those of us who are ardent supporters of the Second Amendment, Democrats controlling the House of Representatives have different plans for gun owners.
South Dakota: Enhanced Preemption Legislation Heads to the Governor's Desk
South Dakota: Enhanced Preemption Legislation Heads to the Governor’s Desk
Yesterday, the South Dakota Senate passed Enhanced Preemption Legislation, House Bill 1056, by a 31 to 3 vote.
Gun Controllers Want Credit Card Companies to Monitor and Restrict Lawful Purchases
Gun Controllers Want Credit Card Companies to Monitor and Restrict Lawful Purchases
Gun controllers have become increasingly frustrated that their federal agenda has been repeatedly rejected by Americans through their elected representatives, leading them to seek to circumvent the legislative process and restrict gun rights by way of the private financial system. Their goal is to pressure financial services companies into either not doing business with the firearms industry and gun owners, or to comprehensively surveille their lawful activity.