Lake Sturgeon Video For All You Sturgeon Fishermen

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Sturgeon release

Lake Sturgeon Video

Attention Sturgeon Enthusiasts:

The Wisconsin DNR and the Menominee Indian Tribe of Wisconsin (MITW) have been jointly working on a project to restore lake sturgeon to the upper Wolf River within the Menominee Tribal Reservation. Efforts date back to the early 1990s and capture and upstream transfer of subadult and adult lake sturgeon has been the primary method for restoring access of sturgeon to their ancestral spawning grounds below Keshena Falls.  A short video describing the capture and transfer process is available through the link below:

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Ryan Koenigs

Senior Fisheries Biologist / Winnebago System Sturgeon Biologist

Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources

625 E County Rd. Y, Suite 700

Oshkosh, WI 54901

Phone: (920)303-5450

Fax: (920)424-4404

[email protected]

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