OPINION PIECE OF EDITOR: As many of you might know, the Manitowoc County Fish & Game clubs are having lower membership numbers and some clubs have closed their doors. To some of you, you might think, big deal. It is important when you think about it. All those members who used to be members of those clubs have over the years worked extremely hard for all citizens to enjoy the outdoors.
Club members in this area are made up of factory workers, farmers (a lot of them), city workers, truck drivers, construction workers, teachers, retired workers, etc. They all have over the years reached into their wallets to help a club survive and grow. The products that club members purchase help families all over the world, speaking of firearms, hunting equipment, ATV, UTV, Boats, Jet Skis, rod & reels, fishing lines, etc. Locally we have co-ops that sell food products, items we all use to work around our homes and farms.
There are clubs that offer trap shooting and those that only have archery courses. That means the manufacturers of firearms, ammo, arrows, bows, the targets all paid a special tax to the Federal Government at the request of the sportsmen over the years. This special tax money is returned to the States to be used to fund conservation projects, safety programs and law enforcement.
Even if you live in a city, you can also belong to a sportsman club of your choice and anywhere you like. Please remember that sportsmen around America pay for the wildlife projects you see we have today, and it is the one thing many individuals do not understand.
When have you ever seen any anti-hunting, fishing, or sporting person or group claim they help the wildlife for all to enjoy? Look closely at where their money is being spent because it surely is not helping all of us like the sportsmen’s money is doing every day.
So, in closing my opinions here, I hope some of you will please look around where you live to join a sportsmen club.
I was taken to a club meeting at six years old and I have been a member of many groups for sixty-six years. My love for the outdoors was increased with my grade schoolteachers I had. For several years many of them took us to the School Forest to learn about the outdoors. We got to learn how to tell what type of trees will grow the best in the soils we walk on. Some are good for pines, maples, oaks, elm, and many other types of trees. What about the grains we plant, they feed both humans and animals. So, in closing, please come to a club meeting of your choice and see what they all do for nature and all of us humans. Looking for information on clubs, or a lake to fish on, go the Manitowoc County Fish & Game web-site: www.mantyfg.org and you will find most of the info you need.
In the Spirit of the Wild Outdoors, enjoy it with my family. RVL
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