Help Slow The Spread Of CWD Follow Baiting And Feeding Bans; Properly Dispose Of Carcasses
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Oct. 11, 2021 Contact: Amanda Kamps, DNR Wildlife Health Conservation Specialist
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Oct. 11, 2021 Contact: Amanda Kamps, DNR Wildlife Health Conservation Specialist
Follow Baiting And Feeding Bans; Properly Dispose Of Carcasses The DNR is
This year, the Adopt-a-Kiosk (AAK) and Adopt-a-Dumpster (AAD) programs are looking for volunteers
Tuesday, April 27, 2021 Reliable Commercial Test for CWD Prions in Deer Scents Exists, Is
2021 Senate Bill 166 and 2021 Assembly Bill 151 is currently in front
Wolves now seen as control on CWD, but not in Pennsylvania January 19, 2021 Jeff Mulhollem
Baiting and Feeding Ban Renewed In Shawano And Waupaca Counties FOR IMMEDIATE
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Dec. 15, 20 DNR Confirms CWD Detected In Washington County;
Here is a letter from Manitowoc County DNR Wildlife Manager in the Mishicot DNR Office.