Well sportsmen and women, it’s that time of the year to get out the VOTE. My personal opinions are only mine, so here is a few comments. Recently we are seeing the Democrat Attorney Generals in several cities bring charges to the NRA. This is a move to limit the NRA from helping us to defend our 2nd Amendment Rights. Now there might be some issues with the management team, but put that aside for now. Many other gun groups are also working very hard to defend our 2nd Am. Rights, but no one is more involved inside the Halls of Congress like the NRA. I remember several years ago, individuals around the State and Country stated we have nothing to worry about, the government will not be able to take away our guns. Well those comments are coming to bite you in the ass. Anti-gun groups are going after the banks who do business with the firearms industry and suppliers. Credit Card companies are refusing to do business with dealers, WELLS FARGO BANK has told it’s members that if they continue to deal with the firearms industry, they can not bank at Wells Fargo anymore.
This is not the time to start pointing fingers at anyone or group dealing with our firearms and 2nd Amendment Rights. We all must stand together to fight the forces determined to destroy our 2nd Amendment Rights. Are you willing to please stand up and fight against this move to disarm and Ban different types of firearms? There is only one party clearly stating they will take or ban your firearms. My opinion is that anyone who owns a firearm and votes for that party, deserves to lose their firearms. They have been making it so clear what they will do if in office. Grant it, the man in office now is not a angel, and his mouth and fingers keep getting him in trouble at times, but at least he stands up for the 2nd Amendment Right for all. Look how the other media sources are limiting our ability to show, talk about or tell others about the 2nd Amendment and they are Limiting our 1st Amendment Rights also. (i.e. Faceboook, Link-In, Twitter, and You Tube)
In closing, anyone who has a different opinion is welcome to write to me and I will publish it on this site as long as you sign it and enclose a phone number for me to make sure it’s you. OK. Thank you and God Bless America and all those in it who supports our 1st and 2nd Amendment Rights.
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