An Arboretum? An Art Park? A Migratory Bird Sanctuary? Yes! Van Der Brohe Arboretum weaves many ecological goals into its re-development of a 65 acre former golf course in Two Rivers, WI. A network of public trails creates a setting of parterres which feature display forests, prairies, meadows, wetlands, thickets, food plots, and art installations. Located in the Lake Michigan Flyway, the developed site will provide habitat and forage for both migrating and resident birds. Trail intersections form “Franciscan Gardens”, designed to maximize both amenity and avian support.
The grounds will ultimately provide an expository narrative of the value of trees to the earth, the climate, the biota of the region, and of course, to human interests. The nature of the arboretum grounds will provide for uses such as a sculpture garden, passive recreation, walking, X-country skiing, birding, meditation, and other forms of relaxation.
Join Mr. Durbrow as he leads you through the planning process and describes how multiple layers of restorative activity are overlaid to accentuate the value of this unique open space. Actual construction will begin in Spring of 2020, with the installation of the trails. Thereafter, public involvement in seeding and plantings will bind VDBA into the community fabric as it evolves into an ecological landscape.
Van Der Brohe Arboretum and Bird Sanctuary
A Restorative Tapestry
By: John S. Durbrow
Date: March 21st, 2020
Time: 1:30 pm
Location: Ellwood H. May Environmental Park (Maywood)
3615 Mueller Road
Sheboygan, WI 53083
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