A letter to the large carnivore enthusiasts

A letter to the large carnivore enthusiasts

Randy Johnson with a collared cougar in North Dakota

Dear Hunters and Wildlife Enthusiasts of Wisconsin,

My name is Randy Johnson, and I was recently hired as the state’s large carnivore biologist, responsible for overseeing bear, wolf and cougar programs. I’m originally from a small farming town in southwest Minnesota, and have been an avid outdoor user my entire life, including hunting, trapping, and fishing. I earned my bachelor’s and master’s degrees in wildlife management from South Dakota State University, with my master’s research focused on studying mountain lions in the Badlands of western North Dakota. This project involved capturing and collaring mountain lions to study population dynamics and resource selection patterns, and helped set the stage for mountain lion management in North Dakota for years to come.

For the last three years, I’ve worked as the wildlife resource biologist for South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks, based in Sioux Falls and covering 20 counties across southeast South Dakota. My work involved a variety of wildlife surveys, management, and research, including big game, upland game, furbearer, and waterfowl projects.

I’m excited to be here, turning my attention to the large carnivores of Wisconsin. There is a deep connection between the people of Wisconsin and its abundant wildlife resources, and I look forward to working hard to ensure those resources, traditions, and values remain strong for years to come.

If you have any questions or comments for me, please don’t hesitate to reach out. I am stationed at the DNR service center in Rhinelander, and my email is randy.johnson@wisconsin.gov. I look forward to serving all of you.