Easy Dutch Oven Venison Breakfast Casserole Recipe, BY REALTREE RECIPES

Easy Dutch Oven Venison Breakfast Casserole Recipe



Serves: 5-7

Do the work at home to make this camp breakfast a breeze.

Printer Friendly RecipeBY  AUTHOR OF TIMBER 2 TABLE WILD GAME RECIPESIf your deer camp is anything like ours, everyone is ready for a late breakfast or early lunch as soon as they get back to camp from the morning hunt. By prepping this casserole at home, you can have it in the Dutch oven and cooking in no time. Simply pack all your ingredients into zip-style bags and beat the eggs, milk and dried mustard in a plastic container with a tight-fitting, snap-on lid.

Do the prep work at home before you head to camp.

Do the prep work at home before you head to camp.

We used seasoned ground venison and diced onions, but venison or pork breakfast sausage works as well. Just leave out all the dried herbs and spices except for the dried mustard if you are using pre-seasoned sausage.

This is the perfect dish to feed a bunch of hungry hunters when they return to camp.

This is the perfect dish to feed a bunch of hungry hunters when they return to camp.

Any white bread will do, but a loaf of tender ciabatta or other tender white bread soaks up the egg mixture well.



18 eggs

1-quart whole milk

2 teaspoons dried ground mustard powder

1 Loaf of bread
cut into 1” cubes


16 ounces sharp cheddar cheese


Meat mixture

2 pounds ground venison

1 white or yellow onion

2 teaspoons salt

1 teaspoon paprika

1 teaspoon ground sage

½ teaspoon garlic powder

½ teaspoon cayenne pepper

Cooking Instructions

To a hot skillet, add a couple tablespoons of vegetable oil. Sautee the diced onion for 3 to 5 minutes or until soft. Add the ground venison, salt, sage, paprika, garlic powder and cayenne. Continue cooking until venison is browned. Remove from heat.

Beat the eggs with mustard powder and milk. Return to refrigerator or cooler. Cut or tear the bread into 1-inch cubes and place into a one-gallon zip-style plastic bag. Once the meat has cooled, place it into a separate zip-style bag. Refrigerate the meat mixture until ready to use. All of this can be done at home, up to three days in advance.

Pour the bread cubes into a 12-inch Dutch oven, add the ground venison and half the shredded cheese. Pour in the egg/milk mixture and stir everything to blend. Sprinkle the remaining cheese over the top. Cover the Dutch oven with a tight-fitting lid.

Pour the ingredients into a greased Dutch oven and mix well.

Pour the ingredients into a greased Dutch oven and mix well.

For my 12-inch Lodge, I like to use six charcoal briquettes under the oven, and 18 to 20 on top. Any remaining briquettes get placed in a circle around the Dutch oven. Cook for 25 to 30 minutes. If you are cooking in an oven, set the temperature at 350 degrees and bake for 25 to 30 minutes.

If cooking at camp, place 6 charcoal briquettes under the Dutch oven, and 18-20 on top.

If cooking at camp, place 6 charcoal briquettes under the Dutch oven, and 18-20 on top.

To test for doneness, insert a knife or wooden toothpick into the center of the casserole. If it comes out clean, the casserole is ready. If the center isn’t completely set, return the lid and continue to bake for an additional 5 to 10 minutes.