Press Release Press Release
To: Area Media
From: The Forward Endowment
Subject: 2020 Grant Award $9,500 to Area Organizations
This year marks the 26th year of the FORWARD Endowment gifting cycle. The FORWARD Endowment, the Manitowoc County trust established to fund projects focused on hunting, fishing, conservation, and related education, has completed its 2020 funding cycle which began in September of 2020. FORWARD stands for Friends Of Resources, Wildlife And Recreational Development. It was founded by The Manitowoc Unit of Manitowoc County Fish & Game. It is now supported by a combination of funding from area sporting clubs, private donations, and estate gifts. Manitowoc County Fish and Game has been a major supporter of the fund and provides a percentage of their Annual Banquet proceeds each year.
The FORWARD Endowment received 6 requests totaling almost $25,000 for funding of projects from community organizations in Manitowoc County. The trust has specific parameters that must be met, and all projects must show public benefit. Only Manitowoc County groups can be considered. A total of just over $9,500 was awarded to the following organizations:
Conservation Education Incorporated – Signage Project
Manitowoc County Fish & Game – Pigeon Lake ADA Pier Project
Woodland Dunes Nature Center – Student Conservation Leaders
Larrabee Sportsman’s Club – Harpt Lake ADA Fishing Pier Project
Camp TaPaWingo – Digital Observation Technology Program
Organizations have been notified by mail of their awards and the specific requirements. Funds are dispersed by Associated Bank who manages the trust when projects document completion. Dean Halverson, Chair of the Gift Committee said, “we are thrilled to support great community projects with direct benefit to our area. We are building the fund every year through proper management and community support.” The fund is designed that only interest income is made available for grants and adjusted for inflation.
The FORWARD Endowment has now provided over $130,000 in grants awarded to projects and groups in Manitowoc County since being founded in 1993. FORWARD is a 501C3 and donations can make checks payable to The FORWARD Endowment c/o Associated Bank. Adam Grantham is the contact person at the bank. Memorial or estate planning gifts are possible with the fund.
For More Information Contact [email protected]
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