Backstrap Cherry Pepper Poppers Recipe by Timber2Table RealTree Recipes

Backstrap Cherry Pepper Poppers Recipe

A simple variation to spice up a classic recipe.



Everyone loves a good venison popper from the grill, me included. In fact, even after countless poppers over the years, it is still one of my favorites. But even a good thing gets stale after a bit. That doesn’t mean you have to abandon a good recipe, just switch it up a bit.

Grill the poppers to medium-rare for maximum tenderness.

Grill the poppers to medium-rare for maximum tenderness.

These poppers use jarred sweet cherry peppers stuffed with mozzarella cheese pearls. The peppers aren’t hot (although hot cherry peppers are available if you prefer), but they do have tons of flavor.

Stuff the peppers with cheese pearls.

Stuff the peppers with cheese pearls.

Wrap the cheese stuffed peppers with thin strips of venison steak, we used a section of backstrap for this one, cut on a diagonal. We seasoned this batch with Traeger Big Game Rub, but you can use your favorite.

Season the poppers with Traeger Big Game Rub.

Season the poppers with Traeger Big Game Rub.

I prefer my grilled venison on the rare side, so we grill them over high heat for two to three minutes per side. If you like yours a bit more done, just add a few minutes to the cook time.

The poppers only take a few minutes to grill.

The poppers only take a few minutes to grill.


2 pounds of venison steak, cut at an angle in ¼ inch slices

1 16-ounce jar sweet or hot cherry peppers

1 16-ounce tub mozzarella cheese pearls

Traeger Big Game Rub

¼ cup soy sauce

¼ cup balsamic vinegar


Slice the venison across the grain into as large a steak as possible. A slice 2 to 3 inches wide by 5 to 7 inches long is perfect.
Slice the steak against the grain into long, thin strips.

Slice the steak against the grain into long, thin strips.

Slice the top from each pepper, remove the seeds. Stuff a cheese pearl into the pepper. Wrap a steak around the pepper and pin it closed with a toothpick. Season well with Big Game Rub.Cap and seed the peppers.

Cap and seed the peppers.

Mix the balsamic vinegar and soy sauce. Place the poppers on the grill, mop with the sauce, and grill 2 to 3 minutes. Flip the poppers, brush with sauce, and grill 2 to 3 minutes more. Mop once more with remaining sauce and remove from grill.