Trout Creek
Trout Creek

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service today announced over $1.3 billion in apportionments to support efforts by states to fund conservation.

Wisconsin received $38.5 million for 2025. Midwestern states received a combined total of more than $240 million.

The funding is generated by manufacturers who paid federal excise taxes last year on ammunition, firearms, archery and angling equipment, and a fuel and small engine tax. The funds are disbursed to partner fish and wildlife agencies through grants.

This state-industry-federal partnership was established with the support of concerned sporting and conservation organizations, sporting manufacturers and conservation professionals who recognized the need to conserve fish and wildlife and their habitat. Since 1937, more than $29 billion has been distributed through annual apportionments to monitor and manage the nation’s fish and wildlife resources, support hunter and aquatic education, and improve access for outdoor activities like hunting, fishing and boating.

Along with the more than $29 billion distributed through annual apportionments, partner fish and wildlife agencies have contributed over $9 billion in investments throughout the program’s history. Through these combined funds, agencies have supported monitoring and management of over 500 species of wild mammals and birds, annual stocking of over 1 billion fish, operations of fish and wildlife disease laboratories around the country, and provided hunter and aquatic education to millions of students. These funds have also supported operations and maintenance of over 800 target ranges and opening of over 36 million acres of land to hunting and angling.