Here are the top five prize winners for the 2019 Manitowoc County Fish & Game Prot. Assn Banquet held at City Limits on Oct. 24. A lot of wonderful prizes were given away to all those that attended. The County Fish & Game would like to thank everyone who attended and help support our county clubs and all the projects they do. If you do not belong to a club in the county, now it’s your chance to signup for 2020. If you need to know what club is near you or one that you would like to join, please go to the website: and pick out a club. Your support and input is welcome to all the clubs in the county. The future of conservation is in the hands of you and the youth of tomorrow. Please join!
Here are the winners names and prize they won.
GRAND PRIZE: Browning X Bolt White Medallion 6.5 Creedmoor w/ Leopold Scope/Sling/case Donated by Pozorski Hauling & Recycling
Winner was John Dugau from Whitelaw, WI
COMMITTEE SELECT PRIZE: Browning Auto 5 Standard 12ga. Donated Lakeshore Family Funeral Homes
Winner was Barb Dietrich from Reedsville, WI
PRESIDENT’S SELECT PRIZE: Henry Long Ranger Lever Action .223 cal Donated by Just Orthodontic’s
Winner was Brianna Sieracki from Manitowoc, WI
VICE PRESIDENT SELECT PRIZE: Weatherby Wood SS 300 w/ Nikon Scope Donated by Stock’s AH MFG Corp
Winner was Denise Bohman from Manitowoc, WI
CHAIRMAN SELECT PRIZE: Winchester SX3 Sporting 12ga. Donated by Cleveland Fish & Game
Winner was Jared Patek from Valders, WI
Once again, Congratulations to all the winners from the 2019 Manitowoc County Fish & Game Prot. Assn. Banquet Committee. Hope to see all of you back next year.
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