Winnebago System Sturgeon Spawning Run UpdateAttention Winnebago System Fisheries Enthusiasts: We are roughly a week removed from my last update related to the lake sturgeon spawning run on the Winnebago System tributaries. Our crew has been busy catching our breathe after a long spring of sampling and starting to enter some of the data we collected for sturgeon and other fish species including walleye, yellow perch, and northern pike. I don’t have the final tally for how many lake sturgeon were handled during the 2019 spawning stock assessment and that number may increase if we observe and capture fish during a 2nd spawning run in the coming weeks. In the meantime, I wanted to send out the summary reports from the 2017 and 2018 lake sturgeon spawning stock assessments that were conducted on the Winnebago System. I plan to put a similar report together for the 2019 assessment once everything is entered and time allows. The reports are accessible through the following links: 2017 Winnebaog System lake sturgeon spawning stock assessment report_Final.pdf 2018 Winnebago System lake sturgeon spawning stock assessment report_FINAL.pdf I hope you enjoy the reports and best of luck to all of the anglers during the 2019 fishing season!
We are committed to service excellence. Visit our survey at to evaluate how I did. Ryan Koenigs Senior Fisheries Biologist / Winnebago System Sturgeon Biologist Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources 625 E County Rd. Y, Suite 700 Oshkosh, WI 54901 Phone: (920)303-5450 Fax: (920)424-4404