We Need Your Help to Keep Manitowoc County Phragmites Free

Donation Request

For Immediate Release



Media Contact:

Name: Jake Divine

Title: Manitowoc AIS Coordinator

Phone: (906) 284-0533

Email address: [email protected]


We Need Your Help to Keep

Manitowoc County Phragmites Free



Since 2014, Stantec Consulting Services Inc (Stantec), Lakeshore Natural Resource Partnership (LNRP), and Glacierland Resource Conservation and Development Council, Inc (Glacierland) have been developing the most comprehensive invasive species control program in Wisconsin. Together with many partners, we have identified, mapped and treated thousands of invasive species populations across Manitowoc, Sheboygan, Ozaukee, Calumet and Fond du Lac counties. With support from a variety of state and federal sponsors, we have offered invasive species control for FREE to all enrolled properties. Our success is made possible by willing landowners who volunteer to participate in and support our control program.


Our primary target invasive species is non-native Phragmites, which is found in wetlands, riparian areas, shorelines and other wet areas such as roadside ditches. Invasive Phragmites takes over large areas, pushes out native vegetation, and reduces habitat quality for wildlife. Long-term control over the course of many years is essential to protect habitat quality, water quality, access to shorelines and property values. We have made significant progress mitigating the spread of Phragmites. Without multiple years of consecutive control Phragmites will re-establish, and the momentum gained will be lost.


Our grant funding is ending after the 2021 growing season in Manitowoc and Sheboygan counties, and we need additional funding to support on-going efforts in Ozaukee, Calumet and Fond du Lac counties. Therefore, we are seeking your financial support to establish a long-term control fund to continue our efforts where needed across all counties. This Phragmites fund will directly support on-the-ground control efforts and the professional development of student interns who are completing the bulk of the re-treatment efforts. Our goal is to make these 5 counties Phragmites-free by raising at least $300,000 to support on-going control efforts over the next 3 years.


A strong collective Phragmites fund will ensure the investment of time and resources made will be protected for the benefit of future generations. Please help us contribute to keeping Wisconsin’s ecosystem healthy and thriving.


To contribute to the collective Phragmites management fund, you can visit www.glacierlandrcd.org/phragmites-control-project

to contribute with a credit card, or send a check made payable to Glacierland RC&D to


Glacierland RC&D

P.O. Box 11203

Green Bay, WI 54307


For more information or questions, contact Glacierland at 920-465-3006 or visit www.glacierlandrcd.org/phragmites-control-project.


Thank you for your consideration!




Kari Divine

Executive Director



About Glacierland RC&D


Glacierland RC&D is a nonprofit, grass-roots organization that is committed to wise use and conservation of our natural resources and human resources. We promote sustainability on all levels – environmental, social and economic. This is accomplished by bringing together various agencies, organizations and people to work on projects addressing issues of sustainability in northeast Wisconsin.


Glacierland RC&D | P.O. Box 11203 Green Bay, WI 54307

| (920) 465-3006 | Email | Website


Glacierland RC&D | P.O. Box 11203, Green Bay, WI 54307
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