Time To Brush Up On Tree Stand Safety



Time To Brush Up On Tree Stand Safety


Now’s the time to review tree stand safety rules. 

Archery season is rapidly approaching, and it’s time to review safety tips when hunting from a tree stand.

To avoid accidents and ensure a safe outing, always be mindful of the basic rules of tree stand safety before and during every hunt.

  • Connect your harness to your tether line and keep your tether line short.
  • Maintain three points of contact while climbing in/out of your tree stand.
  • Always use a haul line to raise/lower your unloaded firearm/bow in and out of the stand.
  • Use a lifeline while climbing up and down.
  • Be sure to let someone know of your hunting plans, including where you’re going and when you plan to return.
  • Carry a cell phone in case you need to call for help.

You should also inspect all your equipment, especially straps, for fraying or brittle pieces, and be mindful of the tree that you are using, making sure it is sturdy enough to sustain your weight and not weakened by disease.

To learn more about tree stand safety rules and take a free course, visit the DNR’s webpage.