This Week on Outdoors Radio
This week, Outdoors Radio features National Wildlife Federation manager of sporting communications Drew YoungeDyke, Florence County Economic Development director Wendy Gehlhoff, Remy Battery president and CEO Mike Moeller, and archery expert JC Chamberlin. Jeff reports on last weekend’s MWC event at Oscoda, MI and the Michigan State High School Fishing Championship. Dan scores five more raccoons and a roadkill fawn
In the Hupy and Abraham Outdoors Report, Drew YoungeDyke, manager of sporting communications for the National Wildlife Federation, talks about a Congressional committee approval of increased funding for an Asian carp barrier to keep these invaders out of the Great Lakes. (,
Wendy Gehlhoff, director of Florence County Economic Development, gives us a virtual tour of outdoor recreational opportunities in the county, including waterfalls, hiking, biking and ATV trails and more. (
Mike Moeller, president and CEO of Remy Battery in Milwaukee, Houghton and Escanaba, offers advice for summer battery care. (
In the Madison Outdoors Report, archery expert JC Chamberlin says now is a good time to make sure your archery or crossbow equipment is in working order and start scouting for fall bowhunting. (
Contact: Dan Small 414-588-4082
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