Press Release Press Release
From: The Manitowoc Unit – Manitowoc County
Fish & Game Protective Association
Subject: Manitowoc Unit January Meeting
The Manitowoc Unit of Fish & Game announces that their upcoming December meeting will be held on the Second Wednesday of the month, on Wednesday, January 11, 2023. It should be noted that the meetings are back at Lincoln Park, Cabin #1 in all coming months. Meetings begin at 7pm and are open to members and the public.
The January meeting will mark new officers for 2023 and a historic item of note. Anne Busse will take over as the Manitowoc Unit Vice President and is the first female officer of the unit in the history of the club. The group elected her unanimously at the December meeting citing her many years of service to the club. All new officers and directors begin their service in January.
Speaker for the January meeting with be Manitowoc Mayor, Justin Nickels. He will update the group on activities in the City of Manitowoc and especially those associated with Lincoln Park and other parks in the city. There will be time for questions from those attending. The Manitowoc Unit has a long-standing relationship with the City and Lincoln Park and continuing partnering opportunities will be discussed.
It was also noted that Manitowoc County Fish & Game Protective Association, the organization representing over 25 sporting clubs in the county, will holds its Annual Meeting on January 26th at City Limits starting at 7pm. This is open to all club members and the general public. There will be an update on activities of the organization and a lunch will be served. There is 115 years of service from this group, which is recognized as one of the oldest sporting groups in the nation.
Manitowoc Fish & Game works to promote and protect the rights and resources of sporting men and women in the county through a variety of projects and education programming. It supports youth programs to get young people involved in the outdoors. It is one of 25 clubs that work together in Manitowoc County.
or Contact Anne Busse – Unit Vice President at [email protected]
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