The Manitowoc Unit – Manitowoc County Fish & Game Protective Association April Meeting

Press Release   Press Release


 To:           Area Media       


From:        The Manitowoc Unit – Manitowoc County

                Fish & Game Protective Association


Subject:     Manitowoc Unit April Meeting


The Manitowoc Unit of Fish & Game announces that their upcoming March meeting will be held on the Second Wednesday of the month, on Wednesday, April 12a, 2023.  Meetings are at Lincoln Park, Cabin #1 in all coming months.  They begin at 7pm and are open to members and the public.  There is generally a speaker and short business meeting.  Lunch and refreshments are offered.


The April speaker will feature Steve Easterly DNR Wildlife Biologist. He will give an update on what is going on in Wisconsin and our immediate area and is available to answer questions from those in attendance.  Deer hunting numbers and the new Wolf Plan will be on the agenda.


Members are reminded to update their memberships for 2023.  Manitowoc Fish & Game works to promote and protect the rights and resources of sporting men and women in the county through a variety of projects and education programming.  It supports youth programs to get young people involved in the outdoors. It is one of 25 clubs that work together in Manitowoc County.




or Contact Anne Busse – Unit Vice President at [email protected]

or [email protected]