Press Release Press Release
To: All of the Public
From: The Manitowoc Unit – Manitowoc County
Fish & Game Protective Association
Subject: November Monthly Unit Meeting
The Manitowoc Unit of Manitowoc County Fish & Game announced that its November meeting will be held at the Manitowoc Gun Club on Thursday, November 7th, at 7pm. Members and guests are asked to note the change in locations, as is customary in November and December due to the partnership between the organizations. Manitowoc Fish & Game works to promote and protect the rights of sporting men and women in the county through a variety of projects and education programming.
Guest speaker for the meeting will be Jeff Pritzl, DNR Wildlife Manager. He will be sharing information the upcoming deer hunting season, along with an update on game populations in northeast Wisconsin. There will be an opportunity for questions and discussion.
The Manitowoc Unit meets the first Thursday of each month and meetings are open to the public. Those interested in the outdoors and especially youth are encouraged to attend these meetings. There is a speaker or presentation each meeting, followed by a short business meeting. Lunch and refreshments are then available. For more information on the clubs that are part of the organization, membership and their resources can be found at:
NEW Website:
or Contact Trapper Dan at
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