The Manitowoc Unit – Manitowoc County Fish & Game March Meeting

Press Release   Press Release


 To:           Area Citizens –  OPEN TO THE PUBLIC        


From:        The Manitowoc Unit – Manitowoc
County Fish & Game


Subject:     March Meeting


The Manitowoc Unit of Fish & Game will hold its March meeting on Wednesday, March 12th at Lincoln Park, Cabin #1 for the 7pm meeting.  Meetings are now back at Lincoln Park for all monthly meetings until late fall of 2025.  Manitowoc Unit meetings are held the second Wednesday of each month, with the exception of July.  Members and the general public are welcome at the meetings.  Meetings feature a speaker, short business meeting and lunch and refreshments.


Speaker for the meeting will be Jim Medley from WOMT radio, who is returning following the cancellation of the February meeting due to weather.  He will update the group on activities in the community and at Seehafer Broadcasting.  Seehafer Digital recently partnered with Manitowoc County Fish & Game on the design and development of their new website,


Manitowoc Fish & Game works to promote and protect the rights and resources of sporting men and women in the county through a variety of projects and education programming.  It supports youth programs to get young people involved in the outdoors. It is one of 25 clubs that work together in Manitowoc County.  The community is also reminded to visit the organization’s new website, launched in January.


New Website:

or Contact Anne Busse – Unit Vice President at [email protected]

or [email protected]