The picture of the awards – left to right:
Eugene Weyer, June and Frank Scharenbroch, Tom Ward.
The Manitowoc County Lakes Association will protect and enhance the quality of area lakes and watersheds for the benefit of all.”
The Manitowoc County Lakes Association hosted its 20th annual Banquet this October 12th at Gill’s in Whitelaw.
Before an appreciative attendance, President, Tom Ward welcomed attendees. He thanked Chuck Kiehn of Long Lake for arranging the banquet, and the Long Lake Association for sponsoring the dinner. Tom expressed our appreciation of all who helped with the Fair Booth in August: Marcia Salm and her granddaughters, as well as Hanna Edelglass, Dave Pozorski, Jerry Corfman, Beth Kohlman, Chuck Kiehn, Scott Haberman and Al Klingheisen.
Six Lake Stewardship Awards were presented, reflecting achievements of the MCLA and its members.
With powerpoint images and texts, Tom presented:
Eugene Weyer: a “Lifetime Membership Award for his many years of dedicated service, a Charter Member of both the MCLA and Hartlaub Lake Association, past MCLA President, and his continued leadership in the water quality monitoring of the County Lakes. He has given tirelessly to improving the quality of Manitowoc County’s Lakes and Water Resources.”
June and Frank Scharenbroch received a “Lake Stewardship Award for their contributions to Long Lake Association as volunteers monitoring water quality and invasive species, and June conducting Clean Boats Inspections at the boat launch; for installing a natural Shoreland buffer on their property, and continued leadership in supporting planning and implementing watershed protection goals.”
Joe Salm, 5/12/1946 – 3/29/2018, was celebrated for being “A true champion and steward of Carstens Lake, Joe was a motivator, shaker and mover for water quality. He got everyone to pull together.” For instance, tree drops require many people to cooperate. “Tree drops are important for early spawning perch to deposit their eggs before other plants start growing in the spring. Tree drops on Weyers and Carstens Lakes provide critical spawning habitat for perch and crappie. Weyers Lake lacks structure due to its basin like shape, these tree drops provide cover and structure for fish.”
On the accompanying image of the drainage points of Carstens Lake, we could see the areas affecting the quality of the Lake’s water. In the image entitled “History of Lake Management on Carstens Lake, we see Phosphorous and sediment draining into Carstens Lake thru the Boat Launch,” as well as in another picture “Runoff from a field tile line channelized to the Lake. Joe connected the tile line and routed it to his property where it was distributed with perforated tile to be filtered thru a wetland before it entered the Lake.”
“It was Joe’s Salm’s idea and work to establish a memorial for the late Joe Gintner. We are proud to honor Joe at this location to remind all who use the lake that it takes Stewards like Joe to make things happen!”
Joe Salm also helped fund Perch Stocking. “Honors of the first fish stocking went to our very own lake Pioneer John Karbon.” One of the fish was named ‘Joey Junior’!
“Dan Niquette’s Roncalli Class” was recognized with heartfelt thanks and recognition of the importance of how it inspired students by bringing them to Carstens Lake, where they watched fish stocking. “Kids Outdoors: none of the kids had ever been to Carstens Lake; only a handful have ever fished!”
On our Manitowoc County Lakes Association website you will find the images that show how intensive their work was, and is being accomplished
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