Support a Sustainable and Ethical Sandhill Crane Hunt in Wisconsin

Support a Sustainable and Ethical Sandhill Crane Hunt in Wisconsin

As you know, over the last several years the Wisconsin Waterfowl Association and our partners with Delta Waterfowl, Safari Club International, and others, have been working to bring an ethical and sustainable sandhill crane hunt to Wisconsin.

This year, we were successful in getting a Legislative Council Study Committee formed to examine the issues associated with our state’s growing sandhill crane population. That committee will be discussing potential solutions in the coming weeks – including the possibility of allowing a sandhill crane hunt in Wisconsin.

Please contact the legislators on the Legislative Council Study Committee on Sandhill Cranes today and let them know that you support a sustainable and ethical sandhill crane hunt in Wisconsin.



Sandhill Crane Call to Action


WWA Members:

A couple of years ago, 94% of you asked us to pursue a sandhill crane hunting opportunity in Wisconsin. We began researching, and our newsletter shared our evolving appreciation that an ethical and sustainable sandhill crane hunt is justified in Wisconsin. We assembled a coalition of like-minded groups, reached out to legislators, and this spring were successful in establishing a bi-partisan legislative study of the issue.



RIGHT NOW is the time to let those legislators know you want them to endorse a sandhill crane hunt in Wisconsin by clicking below to send an easy message to those legislators.


Act Now




Even if you are one of the 6% of our members who would not take up a sandhill hunt if offered, this is a hunting rights issue. As you know, hunters make far more conservation contributions than the value of the game they harvest. But birding groups are lobbying against it for emotional – not logical or science-based – reasons. What does that mean for the future of hunting??


Specifically for this crane hunt possibility: the crane population justifies it, the science supports it, the US Fish and Wildlife Service encourages it, farmers will benefit from it, and the Wisconsin Constitution expects it. For more information, take a look at this presentation WWA Executive Director Bruce Ross recently gave to this study group.


Please let your legislators know this is an important issue to you. Please also share this email with your friends.


Tell Policy Makers You Expect Their Support of Hunting Issues