Dear Firearm Owner,
Tony Evers, Josh Kaul and more than half the politicians in Madison want to pass a bill making a defacto GUN REGISTRY in Wisconsin and Wisconsin Firearms Coalition is FIGHTING BACK!
That’s why I’m sending you the email below, so you know what’s going on at the capitol and so you can get in the fight to protect our Second Amendment rights in Wisconsin.
These people are Communist b@stards and we’re not laying down and letting them trample our rights to death.
If you agree, read the email below and then do the action items listed to help support our work in Madison!

This fight isn’t over till it’s over and we can’t win without you.
Thanks for steppin’ up and helping us HAMMER BACK!
— Ben
Dear Firearm Owner,
The news was like a punch in the gut.
With session well underway in Madison, BILLIONAIRE anti-gun activist Michael Bloomberg and his anti-gun pals in the Wisconsin General Assembly have launched an all-out arm-twisting campaign to browbeat Senators on BOTH sides of the aisle to support Senator LaTonya Johnson’s (D-Milwaukee) so-called “Universal Background Checks” Bill, S.B 372.
With the report that some in the GOP might cave to anti-gun pressure because of the horrendous new legislative maps that Gov Evers signed into law, gun-grabbers believe the Senate is set to rubber-stamp this outrageous scheme!
This is an all-out EMERGENCY.
That’s why I’m counting on you to please sign and submit the linked petition IMMEDIATELY.

As you’ll see, this petition insists that your State Senator votes “NO!” on any scheme to implement so-called “Universal Background Checks” in Wisconsin.
The truth is, as I’ve told you time and again, “Universal Background Checks” is nothing more than the Gun Control Lobby’s code words for STATEWIDE GUN REGISTRATION.
“Universal Background Checks” require a government-approved check for every firearm and even ammunition transfer.
That means letting a buddy borrow your old pump shotgun for a day of hunting could be ILLEGAL without first going through a government “check” and TRANSFERRING that firearm into their name.
So would handing down a hunting rifle that’s been a family heirloom for generations.
Widows could be turned into instant FELONS upon their husband’s death for not immediately surrendering his firearms.
But as bad as this is, it might not be the worst of it.
You see, the ONLY way such a law could be enforced is if the government keeps records of every gun and gun owner in WI.
That’s REGISTRATION, plain and simple.
And as you and I both know; registration is just the first step toward outright CONFISCATION.
That’s the motivation behind this and we all know it.
Gun-grabbers know it won’t do anything to stop crime.
Bloodthirsty thugs who don’t think twice about committing rape or murder don’t think twice about stealing firearms either.
And just how effective has government been at keeping illegal drugs out of our neighborhoods?How effective have they been at keeping out illegal immigrants?
Do you think for a second they’ll do any better keeping illegal guns out of the hands of the “bad guys?”
Neither do I.
All this law will do is create more hurdles for law-abiding citizens to keep and bear arms — the one thing that can actually stop mass shootings as we’ve seen time after time.
Then, when all the gun-grabbers’ schemes — from “Gun Free Zone” stickers to “Universal Background Checks” — fail to stop the next killer, you and I both know what the Gun Control Lobby’s next step will be.
They’ll say the only option is to start seizing guns from law-abiding citizens via gun bans like they’re pushing in over a dozen states right now!
The bad news is, our backs are against the wall today.
So fill out and submit your petition OPPOSING statewide gun registration TODAY!

Gun-grabbers are convinced they have the votes in the Senate to RAM so-called “Universal Background Checks” through.
Governor Evers is demanding this bill be passed and is sure to sign it if it lands on his desk.
While we certainly have allies in the State House, stopping it there is no sure thing.
You see, because the WI Supreme Court demanded the GOP-controlled General Assembly redraw their district maps to HEAVILY favor Democrats in the November elections, the maps have already been signed into law by Tony Evers.
Now, many RINO Republicans are willing to do virtually anything to win votes in seats that just became VERY competitive – including vote for gun control!
That’s why you and I must turn up the heat IMMEDIATELY.
Politicians hate outraged constituents.
So if we can put the pressure on quickly enough, we may be able to peel off enough votes to stop it.
But even if we can’t stop it in the Senate, it will show House members the kind of intense political pain they’ll have to deal with from Second Amendment supporters if they even think about stabbing us in the back.
That’s why I’m counting on you to please sign and submit your petition IMMEDIATELY.

Second, please agree to your most generous contribution to help Wisconsin Firearms Coalition DEFEAT Senator LaTonya Johnson’s so-called “Universal Background Check” Bill.
Your financial support will help Wisconsin Firearms Coalition launch a massive four-part plan to answer the gun-grabbers, including:
- Generating 100,000 petitions from all over Wisconsin insisting the General Assembly STOP Bloomberg’s anti-gun assault on our state;
- Using email, social media and Internet ads to mobilize an additional 50,000 Wisconsin citizens to get involved and contact their Representatives as well;
- A massive, statewide texting program to explain to law-abiding gun owners the stakes in this fight. Texts have a nearly 95% open rate and will been seen by
THOUSANDS of gun owners;
- Paying for hard-hitting radio, newspaper and even TV ads if I can raise the resources.
With this battle likely to move quickly before the August Primaries and the November General election, this kind of last-minute program isn’t going to be cheap.
But if you and I don’t fight back, this could be the beginning of the end for our Second Amendment freedoms in Wisconsin.
And that’s why I hope that when you send me your petition, you’ll also include a financial gift..
I don’t know what you can afford.
Perhaps you can afford $1000, $500, $250, or $100?
As I mentioned, this is an emergency. Our backs are against the wall.
The only choices are to fight back like we never have before or stand there and get pummeled.
Wisconsin Firearms Coalition is going to FIGHT!
But we’re counting on you.
But if that’s too much, would you agree to $75, $50, $25 or even $10?
With so much on the line, your support could make a world of difference.
So please sign your petition and agree to your most generous contribution of $250, $100, $50, $25 or whatever you can afford TODAY!
For Wisconsin,

Ben Dorr
Political Director
Wisconsin Firearms Coalition
P.S. Universal Background Checks (aka STATEWIDE GUN REGISTRATION) has been introduced as S.B. 372 and gun-grabbers believe the Senate may rubber stamp this outrageous scheme. |