RID-A-TICK Press Release
While hunting in their Wisconsin woods, Mel Jacobson and his son Mark would talk about developing a product that would make wood tick removal from their beloved Golden Retriever and hunting partner easier and safer. Today, Mel has made that dream come true. As a world-renowned educator and artist, Mel focused his creativity and innovative thinking to develop a tick removal system to help eliminate the spread of Lyme disease and other health hazards. This was the start of Rid-A-Tick, a revolutionary way to remove ticks from people and pets.
Although his son did not live to see their dream become a reality, Mel and his wife have established the Mark Jacobson Foundation. They will donate a portion of the company’s profits to the foundation.
Giving back to students…
After witnessing the struggle of removing wood ticks at camps for kids, Mel knew there had to be a better way. Now there is. Rid-A-Tick is simple, safe and is revolutionizing tick removal. Mel’s goal began to improve the lives of kids at summer camps. For Mel, it’s an opportunity to give something back to kids and to make the outdoors more enjoyable for everyone
A system for the removal of ticks from humans and animals.
Safe and efficient.
Removes the complete tick head and all.
Eliminates the chance of blood transfer from person to person or from your pet.
Fight Lyme disease potential.
Encapsulates the insect for easy removal and disposal. (Protects from Arachnophobia.)
The medial quality adhesive is totally safe.
The world’s first and only medical patch system to remove embedded Wood Ticks and Deer Ticks from the human body. Ticks are exoskeleton breathers (breathe through their butt while in the body). They can be made to extract themselves from humans by suffocating the lower half of their body.
The patch is made from 3M (Minnesota Mining/U.S.A) medical tape. This hypoallergenic, latex-free medical tape carrier FDA approval and does not need a MSDS label as it is the state of the art.
RID-A-TICK patches are placed on the deeply embedded tick and gently pressed into place, making sure that no air can reach the tick’s body. A waiting period of several minutes, up to an hour for extreme cases, will allow time for the tick to “back out”. The patch is removed and folded in half to encapsulate the tick for easy disposal. If the tick needs to be examined by a physician, it is neatly encased in the patch, head and body.
Keeping the patch sealed to the skin is the most critical aspect of tick removal. Multiple moving ticks can be removed by simply placing the patch on them, moving from tick to tick.
- Remove the patch from the cardboard sleeve and apply adhesive side to tick.
- Wait three to ten minutes. For deeply embedded ticks apply up to an hour.
- Remove patch with tick enclosed and fold in half gently. Save for medical examination or simply dispose of it.
Rid-a-tick patches can be applied to pets as well as humans. Remove patch from the card. With the help of a second person, move hair away from the tick and gently place the patch over the tick. A longer period of time may be needed to extract ticks from pets. A 20 minute period is recommended.
Blood transfer and Rid-A-Tick
When using medial patches to remove ticks from humans, it is possible to eliminate the transfer of blood from person to person. The patch separates the human hand from the tick and no blood transfer should take place. Doctors, medial workers, individuals, working with large groups of people, campers of all ages and, of course, parents will appreciate and respect this feature.
For more information: contact Tom Martin 612-804-5506
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