President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence will address NRA members at the NRA Institute for Legislative Action (NRA-ILA) Leadership Forum on Friday, April 26, 2019 in Indianapolis, Indiana. This is the second consecutive year that the president and vice president will speak at the NRA-ILA Leadership Forum. |
Proving there is no statute of limitations on political opportunism, this week former President Bill Clinton used the occasion of the twentieth anniversary of the tragic school shooting in Littleton, Colo. to pen an op-ed pushing the modern gun control agenda. In doing so, Clinton adopted several of the tired falsehoods that have become attendant to this debate.In recalling a White House conference on school violence that touched upon school shootings in 1999, Clinton noted, “This was a year before Columbine, when our nation did not foresee how increasingly frequent such attacks would become…” This passage is intended to give the impression that school violence and school shootings are common occurrences that have increased since the 1990s. This is not true. |
When it comes to the wellbeing of today’s youth, one would think that all could agree that provoking unnecessary fear should be avoided. That apparently is not the case, however, when it comes to pushing the narrative that changes are urgently needed to America’s gun control laws to keep schoolchildren safe from an “epidemic” of “gun violence” that is spiraling out of control. The truth is that schools are as safe as they’ve been in the last two decades, yet polls show the public believing the opposite to be true. |
With support from the NRA, gun owners challenging Pittsburgh’s ban on publicly carrying loaded magazines capable of holding more than 10 rounds filed a motion today seeking a preliminary injunction. If the motion is granted, an injunction would prohibit Pittsburgh from enforcing its ban while the case is pending. |
The New York Times – the “paper of record” – reports that “Gun Research is Suddenly Hot.” While we’re happy to see the Times has finally acknowledged that “gun research” can survive federal restrictions on taxpayer funded gun control advocacy, there are necessary caveats here.The volume of “gun violence research” may be increasing, but the field has not been as neglected as the media would have you believe. The Arnold Foundation and the Rand Corporation have partnered on a research venture into firearm-related violence that to date has reviewed thousands of studies published between 2003 and 2016. |
Taking place in Indianapolis, this year’s NRA Annual Meetings and Exhibits is quickly approaching, and you are invited! |
Please join us at the Annual National Firearms Law Seminar to be held on Friday, April 26, 2019 as part of the NRA Annual Meetings. This all-day seminar provides legal instruction for attorneys and all others interested in Second Amendment law. CLE credit for all states is available. |
It is the dawning of a new era. There is something special happening in America that, as a matter of fact, is happening on a global basis: the heightened awareness of conserving our natural wildlife resources and a stronger-than-ever move by hunter-conservationists to combat poaching. Helping to promote and lead the charge in anti-poaching initiatives is the National Rifle Association (NRA) America’s No. 1 organization for hunters. Along with defending American freedom and our constitutional rights, the NRA has been involved in protecting and defending hunting and wildlife conservation since its inception in 1871. Now it has announced it is holding a seminar titled, “Fighting Poaching: How the Hunting Community Can Stem the Tide” during the NRA Annual Meetings and Exhibits in Indianapolis on Sat., Apr. 27 from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. |
Mention zombies and everyone sits up and takes notice. The topic of zombies has become a fun intellectual pastime in the last decade. As proof, look no further than the nearest selection of popular TV shows, blockbuster movies, green-tipped bullets or lime green AR-15s. The recent reference to deer zombies infected with chronic wasting disease (CWD) in the media is neither accurate nor appropriate, but it was successful in sparking a much-needed discussion about the seriousness of the condition. |
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