Worse Gun Control than the European Union? Biden’s ATF Nominee Supports Extreme Rifle Ban!
Worse Gun Control than the European Union? Biden’s ATF Nominee Supports Extreme Rifle Ban!
David Chipman, supports a ban on commonly-owned semiautomatic firearms like the AR-15…
Follow the Science Chipman! “Assault Weapons” Bans Don’t Work.
Follow the Science Chipman! “Assault Weapons” Bans Don’t Work.
David Chipman, the paid anti-gun activist, worked to obscure the woeful record of the 1994 Clinton “assault weapons” ban.
Gun Sales Surge Continues with Diverse Interest in Firearms
Gun Sales Surge Continues with Diverse Interest in Firearms
According to the FBI NICS data, 1.3 million background checks were conducted pursuant to firearms sales last month.