NRA-ILA Daily Alerts For November 6, 2019

DAILY ALERT FOR Tuesday, November 6, 2018

NY Lawmakers Drafting Bill That Would Allow Social Media Checks Before Gun Purchase external site
Two New York lawmakers are working to draft a bill that would propose a social media check before a gun purchase.
Stacey Abrams wants to confiscate guns. Someone in the media finally asked her about it external site
The Democratic candidate for Georgia governor insists she just wanted to start a “conversation” about guns. But if Stacey Abrams had been successful in the state legislature, some of those conversations would be over and law enforcement would be reading Miranda rights to arrested gun owners in the Peach State. Just two years ago, as a state lawmaker, Abrams co-sponsored House Bill 731, legislation that makes the Clinton-era assault weapons ban seem timid in comparison. And when pushed by CNN’s Jake Tapper to explain whether she supports gun confiscation, Abrams dodged.
Michael Bloomberg to air $5 million in ads before midterm elections to tout Democrats — and himself
Michael Bloomberg, the billionaire former mayor of New York City who is considering a 2020 presidential campaign, took another step closer to that possibility Sunday with a $5 million national advertising effort that encourages voters to support Democrats in Tuesday’s midterm elections — and offers Bloomberg’s centrist politics as a counter to President Trump.
Claire McCaskill: F-Rated by NRA, Believes Gun Control ‘Is Needed’ external site
On October 4, 2018, Breitbart News reported McCaskill’s F-rating and her penchant for pushing gun controls in response to certain attacks, although the controls she pushes could not have stopped any of the attacks.
Feinstein Cancels Stop at Gun Control Rally Due to Illness external site
U.S. Sen. Dianne Feinstein canceled a Sunday appearance at a gun control rally in Orange County.
Firearm restrictions in Boston and Brookline don’t violate Second Amendment, appeals court says external site
Cities and towns with restrictions on more than half of licenses include Springfield, Lowell, New Bedford, Newton and Medford. The majority of Massachusetts communities have less restrictive licensing policies.
Brooklyn pols: after Pittsburgh, require social media searches of people seeking gun licenses external site
In the wake of the massacre of 11 Jewish worshipers in Pittsburgh, two Brooklyn pols called for a state law requiring law enforcement to examine the social media posts for all gun-license applicants over the preceding three-year period and one year of internet searches before approval.
WATCH: Democrat Stacey Abrams Admits Her Plans May Require Georgians to ‘Turn Their Guns In’ external site
During a November 4 appearance on CNN’s State of the Union Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams (D) admitted that a possible outcome of her gun control plans could be that “people would turn their guns in.”
Ohio: Gun license fee waived for veterans beginning November 5 external site
Veterans will see fees waived for initial and renewal gun licenses beginning November 5.County sheriffs will be able to waive the conceal-carry fees for active and former members of the US armed services, according to a social media post from the Athens County Sheriff’s Department.