DAILY ALERT FOR Friday, May 24, 2019 |
The Louisiana House on Tuesday passed proposals that would restrict local regulation of gun control and boost existing “stand your ground” laws. The House voted 68-30 to support a bill by Rep. Blake Miguez, R-Erath, which would eliminate the authority of local governments to prohibit the possession of firearms in certain businesses and public buildings. |
The state Senate approved three gun control measures Thursday along strict, party-line votes, closing a background-check loophole, imposing a three-day waiting period to buy a gun and permitting local school boards to ban guns on their property. But the identical, 13-10 votes — with all Democrats for and all Republican senators voting against — send each bill back the House of Representatives for review because senators made substantial changes to them. |
Since the NRA was founded almost 150 years ago, our adversaries have repeatedly tried to take us down. Today is no different. A recent burst of media claims the NRA is vulnerable, financially unstable, and weakened in its fight to defend the Second Amendment. Obviously intent on not letting the facts get in the way of a good story, most reports offer a distorted and inaccurate view of the NRA. As officers and past presidents of the NRA, we write today to set the record straight. |
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