Today, the House Public Safety Subcommittee voted 2-1 to advance House Study Bill 254, which greatly improves self-defense in Iowa. The full House Public Safety Committee will hear HSB 254 tomorrow. |
The Virginia General Assembly adjourned sine die from its 2021 legislative session today. As a result of strong lobbying efforts by NRA and its members, along with other Second Amendment supporters, no legislation was even filed to ban commonly-owned firearms or magazines this session, despite that having been the centerpiece of the 2020 gun ban agenda. In addition, persistent lobbying by NRA all the way through today ensured that House Bill 2276 and Senate Bill 1250 did not leave the General Assembly, and are dead for the session. |
While several other states are passing permitless carry, Alabama seems to be once again refusing to allow it to have a floor vote. Alabama hasn’t had meaningful pro-gun legislation passed in over 6 years, but wants you to believe they are staunchly on your side. They do not believe citizens are entitled to their constitutional rights without paying for government permission. |
It’s widely understood that the current occupants of the White House, the Biden-Harris Administration, have positioned themselves as the most anti-gun team this country has ever seen on Pennsylvania Avenue. Leading up to the 2020 election, NRA made abundantly clear the threats these two presented to law-abiding gun owners, and both the President and Vice President spelled out how deeply opposed they each are to the fundamental right to purchase, possess, and carry firearms for personal protection. |
A frustrating aspect of the modern gun control movement is its seeming abandonment of reason. The same anti-gun politicians that attack the rights of law-abiding gun owners will advocate for more lenient treatment of those who misuse firearms to commit violent crime. |
This week, hearings were held on the nomination of Merrick Garland for U.S. attorney general, with a final vote on confirmation expected to come next week. The prospect for gun owners is that the nation’s highest law enforcement office may soon be occupied by a man who in the past has shown doubts about whether the Second Amendment continues to have any relevance in the modern era. |
Wayne LaPierre speaks to thousands of patriots at CPAC 2021. |
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