DAILY ALERT FOR Tuesday, May 7, 2019 |
Democratic presidential candidates are headed sharply left on gun control as New Jersey Sen. Cory Booker and California Rep. Eric Swalwell sought Monday to one-up each other with calls for the government to confiscate firearms. Booker pledged to take executive action on his first day in office “closing dangerous loopholes in gun sales, cracking down on unscrupulous dealers and gun manufacturers, and investing in communities impacted by gun violence.” |
Cory Booker said he backs legislation that would get Americans “thrown in jail” for owning “assault weapons” if they do not hand them over in a buyback program in which they would be sold to the government. Booker, a senator for New Jersey and 2020 presidential hopeful, said that incarceration would be an option after a “reasonable period” following the buyback offer. “Again, we should have a law that bans these weapons, and we should have a reasonable period in which people can turn in these weapons. Right now we have a nation that allows in streets and communities like mine these weapons that should not exist,” Booker said on CNN on Monday. |
Today, the Connecticut House of Representatives will hold votes for a broad-based set of gun control legislation that would require firearms be made unavailable for self-defense, effectively end the centuries old practice of home-manufacturing firearms for personal use, and impose unnecessary restrictions on transporting handguns. |
Today, a conference committee will convene to consider Omnibus Judiciary and Public Safety bills, SF 802 /HF 2792. |
On Wednesday, May 8 at 2:30pm in the Senate Chamber, the Senate Executive Committee is scheduled to consider three extreme gun control measures, Senate Bill 68, Senate Bill 70, and Senate Bill 82 |
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