Notice of Hearing for Collins Marsh Refuge

  Notice of Hearing


Hello all

Attached is the public notice for the changes to the refuges and closed areas for state wildlife areas. The reason behind the changes is to bring things together and have more uniform guidelines.


Collins Marsh Refuge is on the list and the only change will be to the end date for the refuge. It will be moving from Dec. 5th to November 30th. the one week difference will not negatively impact protections for waterfowl or use on the marsh. Other than that no major changes in our area.


The closed areas surrounding the nature centers on Brillion and Collins will be covered under NR 45.


Please share this with your perspective sportsmans groups that have interest in waterfowl hunting, or trapping. There are four public meetings scheduled Horicon and/or Shiocton will be the closest for us. They can also submit comments via the email link on the bottom of the announcement.


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Steve Easterly
Wildlife Biologist – Fish, Wildlife and Parks
Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
2220 County Hwy V, Mishicot, WI 54228

Phone: (920) 755-4983
Cell Phone: (920) 420-0135
[email protected]


The Department of Natural Resources announces that it will hold a public hearing on a permanent rule to revise chs. NR 11 and 15, relating to closed areas and refuges, at the time and place shown below.

Hearing Information

Date:   July 29, 2019

Time:   6 p.m. – end of agenda

Location:  Superior Public Library, Classroom, 1530 Tower Ave, Superior, WI 54880


Date:   July 30, 2019

Time:   6 p.m. – end of agenda

Location: Mead Wildlife Area Education and Visitor Center, 2148 County Hwy S, Milladore, WI 54454


Date:   July 31, 2019

Time:   6 p.m. – end of agenda

Location: Navarino Nature Center, Great Room, W5646 Lindsten Rd, Shiocton, WI 54170


Date:   August 1, 2019

Time:   6 p.m. – end of agenda

Location: Horicon Marsh Education and Visitor Center, Horicon Classroom, N7725 WI-28, Horicon, WI 53032


Rule Information: Current rules establish properties as closed areas and wildlife refuges.  These designations restrict the public’s ability to access these properties for activities during specific dates.  Many of the current closed area and refuge definitions are decades old.  During that time wildlife use of the property has changed.  This proposal will update the closed area and refuges designations of all currently designated properties so that the designations reflect the current property use.  Even if the designation of a property does not change, we will be updating maps for each property so that they are consistent with each other and so the boundaries of these areas are easily identifiable by the public.


Accessibility (Choose either version)

  1. Hearing impaired persons may request an interpreter for this hearing. Please make reservations for a hearing interpreter at least 10 days before the date of the scheduled hearing, by writing to e-mail [email protected].
  2. Alternatively, you may contact the Department of Natural Resources TDD at (608) 267-6897. The hearing facility is accessible to disabled users.
  3. Pursuant to the Americans with Disabilities Act, reasonable accommodations, including the provision of information material in an alternative format, will be provided for qualified individuals with disabilities upon request. Please call with specific information on your request at least 10 days before the date of the scheduled hearing.
  4. Handicap access is available at the hearing location.

Appearances at the Hearing and Submittal of Written Comments

The public has the opportunity to testify at the hearing.  Registration will take place at the hearing by completing a Hearing Appearance form, which will be provided. Comments on the proposed rule must be received on or before August 1, 2019. The Hearing Appearance form also can be used for submitting a written comment at the hearing. Written comments may be submitted by U.S. mail, fax, E-mail, or through the internet and will have the same weight and effect as oral statements presented at the public hearing. Written comments and any questions on the proposed rules should be submitted to:

Department of Natural Resources

Attn: Scott Karel

P.O. Box 7921

101 S. Webster Street,

Madison, WI 53707-7921


The rule may be viewed at:


Comments can be made at:   [email protected]


Initial Regulatory Flexibility Analysis: Based on our preliminary analysis, we do not anticipate an economic impact to individuals or groups.  If there were to be any economic impact resulting from this rule, we anticipate that it would be very minimal.  These rules are applicable to individual sportspersons and impose no compliance or reporting requirements for small business, nor are any design or operational standards contained in the rule.

Agency Small Business Regulatory Coordinator:

Daniela Branco  (608) 266-7524

[email protected]


Dated at Madison, Wisconsin _____________________________________






By ____________________________________

Preston D. Cole, Secretary



Rev. 7/11/18