Press Release
One Place One Voice One Message
To: Area Media
From: Mary Maurer – CEDAR Collaborative
Date: March 20, 2020
Subject: Creates County Restaurant Resource, the website devoted to bringing together all the best of Manitowoc County has announced it has been working to generate a single listing of Takeout and Delivery Food Options for Manitowoc County. The information is being posted and update regularly on the Great Food & Drinks page of the website. They currently have information from across the county including; Manitowoc, Two Rivers, Kiel and even ties to local food resources and farm organizations.
“Our goal is to support everyone during these challenging times,” said Mary Maurer, President of CEDAR Collaborative, who owns and operates the site launched in late September. “We will be experiencing significant changes in our lives and so will almost every business in the area. We all need to be a community and work together and support each other and the businesses here.” The site has been working with organizations, governments and individual businesses to centralize the information and make it easy to access regardless of where you are in the county. They will be updating regularly as more information becomes available. has also been updating calendars and events, mostly addressing cancellations and postponements. They are going to work in coming days to add information on options for Kids and connections for business to address support needs and information that the Chamber, Progress Lakeshore and others are providing. They are also looking for ideas for other information that can help the community get through these challenging times. The site can be found at
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