Next meeting is Thursday, May 16th, 2019
7:00 p.m. at City Limits.
Russell Gahagan, Great Lakes Tournament Fisherman and Charter Captain will be the guest speaker at the May 16th meeting of NEWGLSF. Russell has won a number of Great Lakes Fishing Tournaments and is with The Reel Shot in Sheboygan.
The meeting will include the monthly raffle, the NEWGLSF Spring Swap Meet and our annual Brat fry for lunch. If you are looking to find some great deals on fishing/outdoor gear or to sell some of yours, come early and and set up a table for the Swap Meet.
Save the date July 5th, 6th, & 7th, 2019.
Those are the dates of this years 45th Annual NEWGLSF Salmon Derby. The Derby Committee held their 1st planning meeting for the event and details of the Derby will appear on the “Events” link in the near future.