New video series offered to woodland owners
Contact(s): Diane Gunderson, [email protected], 715-401-4384
MADISON — Are you a landowner interested in improving your woodlands for wildlife? Enjoying its natural beauty? Foraging for natural food on your property? Protecting it from invasives? Learning how to pass it on to future generations?
A new web video series produced by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources introduces these topics – and more – in short videos of 3 to 5 minutes each. Whether you’re a landowner new to caring for your woodlands or a long-time steward of wooded property passed down through generations, the videos have something for everyone. Find the Your Wisconsin Woods series on the DNR YouTube channel.
By working with professional foresters landowners can learn how to enrich their forest experience.Photo credit: DNR
The “Your Wisconsin Woods” video series explores these areas:
- Is My Property Healthy? – Your woods are an ever-changing environment that needs your help to thrive. Learn what you can do to make sure you’re taking it in the right direction.
- Goods from the Woods – There are plenty of delicious, natural foods just waiting to be picked outside. See what you’re missing out on from your property.
- Befriend a Forester – If you really want to shape your woods, you might need some help. Learn how to contact your forester and what your forester can offer to enhance your property.
- Return on Investment – Your woods can work for you. Learn how to take advantage of available programs and opportunities.
- Space Invaders – No property is safe from invasive species. In this segment you’ll learn what you can do to stop the spread of these foreign invaders.
- Go wild in your woods – Your woods are more than just a place to play and gather goods. They’re home to wildlife we all enjoy. Learn what you can do to improve your woods to attract wildlife you’d like to see.
- Land as a Legacy – You’ve shaped your property, planted trees and tackled invasives, but one day, you’ll have to say goodbye to it. Learn how you can pass your property to future generations and have your land enrolled in programs that will protect its natural beauty.
Funding for the series was provided by the Ruffed Grouse Society, a national organization that focuses on healthy forests, abundant wildlife and sporting traditions.
“Since more than half of the 17.1 million acres of forestland in Wisconsin is owned by private individuals and families, these woodland owners are key to the future of Wisconsin forests,” said James Warren, DNR’s public and private forestry section chief.
“During the next five years, DNR is working with partner organizations to reach 20,000 woodland owners who have not previously had the opportunity to work with a professional forester,” Warren said. “We hope tools such as these new videos will inspire landowners to become engaged with their woodlands.”
Woodland stewardship can be a partnership, Warren said.
“Landowners bring their goals for their property and foresters bring the expertise and guidance to help them achieve those goals,” he said. “By working together, we can help landowners learn how to enrich their forest experience – now and for the years to come.”
In addition to watching these videos, DNR foresters encourage woodland owners to visit the “My Wisconsin Woods” website at (exit DNR) to access professional assistance, including a free informational walk-through on their property with a forester.
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