Minelab Seeks PR Partner: Finds Treasure in Traditions Media
Chicago, IL – Eco-recreation is really just a term for enjoying the outdoors. It encompasses fishing, hiking, kayaking, geocaching, treasure hunting and the myriad other ways people explore the wonders of our planet. The COVID-19 pandemic ushered in an explosion in eco-recreation for millions of people around the globe, as other, more structured and facility-dependent forms of recreation suddenly disappeared.
Minelab, a trailblazer in innovating metal-detecting technologies, is the leading manufacturer of metal detector products used for eco-recreational activities, gold prospecting, treasure hunting and humanitarian landmine clearance worldwide. “For 35 years, Minelab has been devoted to research, development and innovative design of hand-held metal detector products. When we decided to partner with a public relations firm, we searched for a company dedicated to sharing the Minelab story of innovation and superior technological advancement,” says Minelab Vice President of Global Marketing, Michelle Meyers. “Traditions Media has a reputation of successfully telling brand stories emphasizing design and technological elements that resonate with passionate outdoor consumers. We immediately saw a perfect fit.” |
Traditions Media specializes in progressive public relations, media buying, media communications and social media for the outdoor industry. Led by president, Noel Vick, Traditions Media roots its reputation in a well-documented track record of power-branding and influencer-marketing strategies designed to move the needle.
“Minelab’s metal detecting technologies and brand are a perfect addition to our partner list,” says Vick. “The company is the clear category leader, and the excellent products they make for detecting and eco-recreation go hand-in-hand with the outdoor audiences we’re in constant communication with. “Hunting for treasure has an almost magical appeal to anyone – especially those with an affinity for the outdoors,” Vick continues. “You can learn a lot about the history of an area by the artifacts found underground. It’s incredibly fun and rewarding… and to our team, finding a missing fishing lure under the sand or a forgotten broadhead beneath the corn stubble is right up there with recovering a Civil War-era artifact or a piece of jewelry. To each their own, right?” “The team of communications specialists at Traditions Media brings not only an energy and enthusiasm for what we do at Minelab, but also the proven skills and experience to advance our message of delivering user-friendly, superior technology to meet the growing demand of treasure hunters and outdoor recreation enthusiasts,” says Meyers. “We’re excited to leverage their deep voice and broad reach with outdoor industry influencers to expand our base of happy Minelab customers.”
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