For some reason, DNR’s communication on this meeting has been slow coming out so I wanted to make sure you all knew this was happening. My understanding is the meeting is public, but only for observation. I don’t think any citizen input has been built into the schedule. I’m glad to see Midwest states getting together to discuss how to collaborate on this disease.
Note: the agenda is a draft, so you may want to seek an updated version.
Below is a list of the states and other interests that have indicated they will be in attendance:
- States:
- Missouri
- Indiana
- Minnesota
- Nebraska
- Michigan
- Iowa
- North Dakota
- Ohio
- Kansas
- Wisconsin DNR & DATCP
- Other Governmental:
- Menominee Indian Tribe
- Non-governmental organizations
- Whitetails Unlimited
- CWD Alliance
- National Deer Alliance
Midwest CWD Collaboration Meeting
Monona Terrace
One John Nolen Drive, Madison, WI
July 24th & 25th
Proposed Agenda Items – Revised 7/2/19; Updated 7/3/19; Updated 7/8/19
Day 1: July 24 – 10:00 am
10:00 – Welcome and introductory remarks – Proposed WDNR Sec.-nominee Preston Cole
NEW 10:15 – Group Introductions, meeting goals & outcome, participant roles – Bob Holsman, facilitator
Note: Items 1-4 below for planning purposes. Intent is to provide a forum at the beginning of the meeting for participants to arrive at points below (or suggest otherwise)
- Create comprehensive Midwest CWD management actions report with state input on success
- Review how current research is and can directly inform management actions
- Reach consensus on future research direction
- Make recommendations to MAFWA Directors on areas for improving CWD management actions across state borders
11:00 – Setting the Stage: CWD ecological and HD research (speaker lineup TBD by MacFarland & Storm)
Goal of this session: Ensure participants are equally up to speed on past and current research that has or can inform CWD management actions/strategies. Each research speaker will touch on these 4 points
- CWD research – Review and conclusions from prior work
- Quick overview of current work
- Direct management applications
- Future direction
12:00 Lunch and informal group discussion
1:00 – Research continued
2:30 – Break
3:00 – 5:00 CWD Management Actions (following AFWA BMP document)
Note 1: Using data from CWD Gap analysis and reach out to individual states: build maps/tables/summaries prior to the meeting for display/reporting during each segment below
- Prevention of CWD Introduction & Establishment
- Overview of Current actions (CWD Gap analysis)
- Success stories/lessons learned
- (NEW facilitation plan: Small 10 minute group discussion followed by report outs)
- Opportunities for consensus/consistency (facilitation plan for this item TBD)
- (NEW facilitation plan: brainstorming session, ideas on the table, small groups if time allows)
DAY 2: July 25 – Continue CWD Management Action Discussion
Continued: CWD Management Actions
8:00 – 9:30
- Surveillance & Sampling
- Overview of Current actions (CWD Gap analysis)
- Success stories/lessons learned
- (NEW facilitation plan: Small 10 minute group discussion followed by report outs)
- Opportunities for consensus/consistency (facilitation plan for this item TBD)
- (NEW facilitation plan: brainstorming session, ideas on the table, small groups if time allows)
9:30 – Break
10:00 – 11:45
- Disease Management
- Overview of Current actions (CWD Gap analysis)
- Success stories/lessons learned
- (NEW facilitation plan: Small 10 minute group discussion followed by report outs)
- Opportunities for consensus/consistency (facilitation plan for this item TBD)
- (NEW facilitation plan: brainstorming session, ideas on the table, small groups if time allows)
Lunch 11:45
12:30 – 2:30 pm Next Steps: CWD Management Actions, Future Research, Recommendations to MAFWA Directors
- NEW: What is the ask/report? What are the assignments? Who will lead this effort?
- Working group recommendations to increase mgmt. action consistency across state borders
- NEW: Someone from WNDR summarizes flip charts during brainstorming sessions from the mgmt. action sessions
- Working group recommendations on priority research needs moving forward
- NEW: Prepared by Storm and Holsman in advance, modified based on discussion during Day 1 meeting
- Define future actions desired by the participants to proceed with management and research efforts.
- NEW: What is the disposition of this group/meeting. 1-time only, annual, etc.?
2:30 – 3:00 – Wrap up
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