Upcoming events:
Fox Valley Herp Club: March 17 1-3 pm+ Manitowoc Public Library-Balkansky Rooms upstairs help bring reptiles in—come at 12:15
- Meeting April 8 6:30 pm Taus Town Hall (14134 Taus Rd)—Date changed!!
- Branch River Bridge Crossing Clean-up dates= April 6/7 (raindate weekend April 13/14) Meet at Taus Town Hall at 10 AM Saturday (14134 Taus Rd) Or call Al to meet elsewhere (920-901-5166).
Supplies and lunch/snacks/drinks will be provided. The Sunday dates are on an as-needed basis if bridges don’t all get done. The more help we have, the quicker we can get the bridges cleaned up. This is a great event for helping our local environment…get the kids out to help a good cause! Let us know you’ll be coming so we can get enough supplies, food etc! Also great for community service hours!
- Brat frys at Rob’s: April 27, July 6 (call Al to help—anywhere between 9 and 3ish+/-)
- June 8 Family Event at Dodge Preserve…more details ASAP-will have Ann/Monarch expert!
- Branch River invasives Removal days…. TBD late spring/early summer when river levels are down—remove crayfish, pick up garbage from river. Watch FB page for more details or become a member for updated emails, mailings. We do have some nets but if you have medium sized fishing nets, those work great too! (Smaller netting and medium length handles optimal)
All events are Free and open to the public. Memberships are accepted anytime and have many great benefits! Questions? Call Emily or send me a message on Facebook via Friends of the Branch River Watershed
Thanks! Emily Endter, Secretary (920)323-3486
and Al Klingeisen, President (920)901-5166
FOBR address: P.O. Box 301 Whitelaw, WI 54247 also find us on Facebook!
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