Manitowoc Unit of County Fish & Game Prot. Assn. May meeting

Press Release   Press Release


 To:           Area Media       


From:        The Manitowoc Unit – Manitowoc County

                Fish & Game Protective Association


Subject:     Manitowoc Unit May Meeting


The Manitowoc Unit of Fish & Game announces that their upcoming meeting continues the new schedule to the Second Wednesday of each month.  Thus, the May meeting of the Manitowoc Unit will be on Wednesday, May 11th, 2022.  The meetings will continue to begin at 7pm, Lincoln Park, Cabin #1, continuing a long-standing relationship with the City of Manitowoc and that facility.


This month’s meeting will feature a presentation by DNR Fisheries Biologist Jason J. Breeggemann.  He is new to the position, and this will be an opportunity to connect with local sportsmen and discuss activities in the area and our inland lakes. There are some new stocking rules that will be discussed.  Lunch and refreshments are also available.  These meetings are open to the public and membership is not required to attend. Memberships are available at the meeting if interested.


Manitowoc Fish & Game works to promote and protect the rights of sporting men and women in the county through a variety of projects and education programming.  It is one of 25 clubs that work together in Manitowoc County.  The group was founded in 1907 and is recognized as one of the oldest known conservation groups in the nation.  They celebrate 115 years of service in September.



or Contact Terry Busse – Unit Vice President at [email protected]

or [email protected]