Manitowoc outdoors report has latest on Conservationists Hall of Fame inductees & more

Manitowoc outdoors report has latest on Conservationists Hall of Fame inductees & more

Bob Schuh has the latest outdoors news from across Manitowoc County and beyond.

Bob Schuh
Special to Manitowoc Herald Times Reporter USA TODAY NETWORK – WISCONSIN
This tom turkey in full strut didn’t care that it snowed a week or so ago. He was out to impress a hen no matter the temps, even if the ground was white. Sure hope that tom knows what he is doing and spring comes to us very soon!

Manitowoc County Conservationists recently unveiled its 2025 Hall of Fame inductees. Those enshrined include the following:

Those receiving special achievement awards include the following:

  • Gerald “Bullet” Fischer, sponsored by District 8 of the Wisconsin Trappers’ Association;
  • Suzette Gove, sponsored by Maribel Sportsman’s Club;
  • Jay Ney, sponsored by Francis Creek Sportsman’s Club;
  • Paul Tittl, sponsored by Manitowoc City Unit of Fish and Game; and
  • Judy Yanda sponsored by Maribel Sportsman’s Club.

A banquet honoring inductees and award winners will be June 18 at Maribel Sportsman’s Club. Social hour starts at 5 p.m. and dinner will be served at 6 p.m. with the awards to follow. The public is invited to attend. Tickets are $20 per person. Contact Brian Schulz for tickets at 920-973-6938.

During the February meeting of Manitowoc County Fish and Game, the organization donated $7,500 to the FORWARD Endowment Fund. Each year, 15% of banquet proceeds goes into the FORWARD fund to help grow the interest so interest can be used for county projects. Pictured from left, Terry Busse representing the FORWARD Endowment group accepts the check from Dan Dufek, president of Manitowoc County Fish and Game Protective Association.

Snowmobile Club show, raffle slated for March 22

Lakeshore Snowmobile Club is holding a Snowmobile Sled Show, Meat Raffle and Cash Raffle drawing March 22 at Branch Station in Branch.

Sled Show starts at 8 a.m. All makes, models and years are welcome.

Meat Raffle starts at 1 p.m., with a Cash Raffle drawing at 5 p.m. Tickets can be purchased at Branch Station.

Also included will be 50/50 drawings and bucket raffles.

Maribel club readies hunter safety courses

Maribel Sportsman’s Club will hold two hunter safety courses and one bow hunter safety course this spring.

Hunter safety course No. 1 will run Thursdays, April 10 and 17, both from 6 to 9 p.m., and finish up from 8 a.m. until 4 p.m. April 19.

Hunter safety course No. 2 will run Thursdays, April 24 and May 1, both from 6 to 9 p.m., and finish up from 8 a.m. until 4 p.m. May 3.

The bow hunter safety course will run Tuesdays, May 6 and 13, and Thursday, May 15, all from 6 to 9 p.m.

Pre-registration is required for any of these courses by calling me, Bob Schuh, at 920-682-3106.

‘Dunes Digest’ set at Woodland Dunes March 19

Woodland Dunes Nature Center & Preserve in Two Rivers invites everyone to join them for the last “Dunes Digest” of the season from noon to 1 p.m. March 19.

Naturalist, author and radio host Rob Zimmer will look back at the past year in nature along the shore. He will also highlight many of the natural wonders and beauty he enjoyed and photographed, including birds, butterflies, wildflowers, weather and more.

Cost is a sliding-scale fee of $1 to $10 per person, collected at check-in, with cash being preferred. Take your own lunch and coffee, tea, water and a sweet treat will be provided. To register, email Jess at [email protected] or call 920-793-4007.

Rifle & Pistol Club plans hunter safety course

Manitowoc Rifle & Pistol Club, 7227 Sandy Hill Lane in Two Rivers, will hold its spring hunter safety course April 8, 10, 15 and 17 — all from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. — and finish from 9 a.m. until noon April 19. Cost is $10 per person. Register for this course on the Wisconsin DNR Go Wild website or contact Mike Rozmiarek at 920-901-6103 with questions.

Clarks Mills club reveals fish derby winners

Clarks Mills Sportsmans Club thanks all the sponsors and participants who made this year’s derby another success. All winners were determined by the weight of their fish. Winners of this year’s categories were as follow:

  • Northern Pike — First place went to Sam Eiles at 10.89, second place went to Addison Schmidt at 9.92 and third place went to Ben Eiles at 8.90.
  • Perch — First place went to Mike Baumgart at 1.25, second place went to Neil Sickinger at 1.18 and third place went to Neil Sickinger at 1.01.
  • Walleye — First place went to Ben Gates at 4.15, second place went to Karl Holtz at 3.96 and third place went to Luke Tuesburg at 2.97.
  • Trout — First place went to Skip Duellman at 9.24, second place went to Colton Leino at 8.80 and third place went to Mike Theyerl at 8.42.
  • Crappie — First, second and third places all went to Mike Theyerl at 1.44, 1.40 and 1.32.
  • Bluegill — First place went to Tim Brick at 0.81, second place went to Mike Baumgart at 0.58 and third place went to Mike Baumgart at 0.52.
  • Whitefish — First place went to Craig Klessig at 3.97 and second place went to Mike Theyerl at 2.67; no third place.

New Wisconsin Buck & Bear Club record book available

The new Wisconsin Buck & Bear Club record book is now available. Hunters can purchase one online or pick one up from Stan Zirbel for $35.95 per copy. Contact Stan at 920-864-2646. The book has county listings for gun and bow, with pictures and ranking by county and state. Stan is also available to measure your antlers and skulls. Remember the 60-day drying period for official score.

That’s it for this week, so have fun in the great outdoors.