6-24-2021 – 6:00PM
Cedar Lake Pavilion
Called to order by Tom Ward
Presentation by Tom & Nancy Koeppen, Mike, Lori Koenig and Bonnie Guokas Kayaking
- Sea Kayaks, Whitewater Kayaks and Recreational Kayaks.
- Described the types and usages for the different types of Kayaks.
- Get a good kayak to fit your use and body type.
- Not wearing life jackets is leading cause of drowning.
- There are fiberglass and aluminum paddles.
- There are one piece or tow piece paddles.
- Cost can range for $100 – $400 and you get what you pay for.
- Described feathered and non-feathered paddles.
- Feather can be adjusted for the wind.
- Right handed feather is the most common.
- Safety protocol was discussed.
- Wear a PDF aka life jacket that fits.
- Carry a whistle.
- Must have a light for night paddling. A flashlight is ok. Used to notify any oncoming boats approaching.
- There is a fine for not having a light.
- Rotate body when making a paddling stroke.
- Less tiring than all arms.
- Stay within the paddler’s box.
- Discussed technique for getting in and out of kayak.
- Discussed courtesy on the water and at the water landings.
- Discussed flares and keeping them up to date.
- Demonstrated a clothes changing bag.
- An on the water demonstration was done showing: safety, types of kayaks, paddling techniques and maneuvers.
Presentation by Jake Devine AIS Coordinator, Glacierland RS&D
- Glacierland is contracted with Department of Natural Resources.
- 5 interns working and at least 1-2 at boat landings every weekend.
- Clean boats, clean water program.
- Developing and AIS management plan.
- In August they will be visiting sites for invasive.
- Almost all lakes in Manitowoc County has Eurasian Milfoil.
- The state is changing how counties get funding.
- Now an annual allocated amount.
- County must apply.
- Phragmites spraying will continue.
- This is the last year of grant money for treatment in the county.
- Treatment in the fall of the year is the best.
- Approved treatment methods can be found on DNR website. Check in search box.
Treasurers Report: Marcia Salm
- Membership is up from 68 to 70.
- General account balance as of 6/5/2021 = $6,400.52.
- Grant account balance as of 6/5/2021 = $19,781.15.
- Grant funds are available for future projects.
Water Quality: Gene Weyers
- Testing for phosphorus and coliform.
- Funding for testing is from the state.
- Testing is 4 times per year.
- Water clarity is generally stable.
- Cedar Lake ice out had 2nd best clarity at 26 ft.
- Cedar Lake had record algae that followed.
- Cedar Lake had recent 16’ clarity.
- Gass Lake has around a 450 acre watershed.
- In the past the watershed water avoided the lake.
- Watershed water changed path and started going into the lake.
- Private parties paid for a project to correct the watershed water flow.
- Gass Lake is on the path to improvement.
Carten’s Lake Project: Tom Ward
- Stantec is the engineer and designing the plan.
- Design is to treat the water before it enters the lake.
- Water passes through a slag filtering system.
- Experimental project to remove phosphorus.
- Working with very cooperative landowner.
- Design should be done by end or June or July.
- Partnership with MCLA and Carten’s Lake Association.
- Testing is being done on slag for forever chemicals.
- Small lakes can’t continue to tolerate the watersheds and large storms.
Bullhead Lake:
High phosphorus
Didn’t qualify for Alum Treatment Grant.
Goal is to collect more data
In 2020 there was 80,000 lbs of algae skimmed off.
Carsten’s Lake:
Phosphorus treatment project
3’ secchi disk reading
Fishing is relatively good
Cedar Lake:
Treating milfoil with chemical and cutting.
Chemical did not work as good as expected.
5 acre area is approved for treatment.
Weeds are spreading
English Lake:
No Report
Gass Lake:
Prior Gene Weyers discussion
Harpt Lake:
No Report
Hartlaub Lake:
No Report
Horseshoe Lake:
No Report
Kasbaum Lake:
No Report
Lake Michigan:
High water created a lot of shore line erosion.
Water level is down 9 – 11 inches since same time last year.
Hard to walk beach do to number of trees fallen from shore line erosion.
Long Lake:
High pressure from boat traffic and fishing.
Water clarity was better in spring.
Rumor that developer may put up 50 unit condominium on the lake.
Pigeon Lake:
No Report
Shoe Lake:
No Report
Silver Lake:
No Report
Spring Lake:
No Report
Sy Lake:
No Report
Tuma Lake:
No Report
Twin Lake:
No Report
Weyer’s Lake:
The water is nice, kayakers should come.
Weeds are around the outside.
Feels aerators are helping
Wilke Lake:
Stantec completed a comprehensive lake management plan.
The plan has been posted on MCLA website.
Closing Comments: Tom Ward
- Tom has sold his home and is temporarily moving to northern Wisconsin. Tom is turning the reins over to the very good hands of the current vice president, Jerry Corfman.
Respectfully Submitted
Scott Umland, MCLA Secretary
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