Press Release
To: Area Media
From: Dean Halverson, CEO – [email protected]
Date: May 5, 2020
Subject: Local Company Provides Information During Pandemic
Information is an important part of working through the Coronavirus Pandemic. This is true for business almost as much as the health community. A local Manitowoc company is gathering key business and consumer information during the pandemic to help industry and business leaders make decisions on how to get the economy assessed and back on track while meeting the ongoing healthcare needs of the population. Leede Research is a marketing information company based in Manitowoc with offices in Minneapolis. For over 35 years the company has provided customized information gathering programs to a variety of organizations.
In recent weeks, Leede has conducted phone and online interviews with almost 7,000 business and consumer respondents dealing specifically with information related to the Covid-19 pandemic and its impact. The studies have looked at the health, economic impact being experienced, along with the perceptions of the future. The detailed information is proprietary and confidential for those clients. Leede CEO, Dean Halverson, indicates; “as would be expected, there significant concerns for both health and the economy now and in the future. Results indicate significant optimism for the future.”
Information from these studies will be used by Leede’s clients to help better understand the current environment and help to plan recovery efforts. Leede noted by nature of the specific clients for these studies, it is likely the information gathered will be share with government, business and media organizations once analyzed and reported. That will take place in the next couple of weeks.
Halverson noted, “we are proud to support any efforts to better understand our current situation and get us back to whatever the new normal might be. Results indicate few believe we will ever return to the normal we knew just a few months ago” Leede has worked with over 1000 clients in its history, from small businesses to Fortune 50 clients. Its work includes both national and international information gathering in a variety of formats.
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