LOADED UP HAMBURGERS by CanCooker with Seth McGinn’s

Loaded Up Hamburgers
  • Loaded Up Hamburgers


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  • 4 1/4 lb hamburger patties
  • 4 tbsp Italian dressing
  • 1 jar roasted peppers
  • 1 medium onion, thinly sliced
  • Salt & pepper
  • 12 oz water
  • 4 buns


Put each hamburger patty on a 12″ x 12″ piece of aluminum foil. Season the hamburgers with salt and pepper, then top with onions and peppers. Drizzle a tablespoon of Italian dressing on each burger.

Fold the aluminum foil around each burger, creating a closed packet. Insert the 2 piece rack into the CanCooker and add the water. Place the hamburger packets onto the racks. Latch the lid and heat on medium/low.

Steam for 25 minutes, remove from heat and let stand for a couple minutes.  Remove the foil packets of hamburgers with tongs — there will be a lot of juice in the packets, so be careful.

Serve on buns. Please note, these are our favorite toppings and sauce — have fun experimenting with your favorites too!

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